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The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/newzee1 on 2024-09-17 22:33:57+00:00.

Original Title: JD Vance says US could drop support for NATO if Europe tries to regulate Elon Musk’s platforms: Republican vice presidential nominee says ‘Germans and other nations’ – not Russia – would ‘have to fund Ukraine’s reconstruction’

    6 months ago

    Given that russia is unlikely to ever submit to direct war reparations, it seems clear that extra EU tariffs will be imposed on russia in the long term, with gas and oil flowing again. US Inc. will be forced to be very competitive if it wants to keep a share of the energy pie, as russian oil and gas is cheaper to begin with.

    US companies in turn would be unlikely to “win” reconstruction contracts in Ukraine if the government policy is hostile to Ukraine’s interests.

    It sounds like JD Vance is either making an empty threat or is working against US economic interests.