I really thought this was a newsthump article when I was reading the headline.
Man this government is absolutely useless.
Feels like the article is channeling Zoolander. What is this? A hospital for virtual people?
Seems like a virtual tour is a good idea, tbh.
Twisting the promise, barely making any progress on it and shafting the NHS, now, that’s not so good.
Filled with virtual doctors who never go on strike.
All of whom can cure virtually nothing.
Ah, VR, the Potemkin Village of the 21st century!
This is brilliant. Wonder in what world they thought this would look good. You can also meet all the virtual staff.
Please tell me this isnt true?
Just went to the article. That picture makes him look like he’s holding in a massive blow-off.
Perhaps he always looks like that though.
If you Google his name and go to images they mostly seem to be off him with the kind of self satisfied look of someone who is proud to have tied their own laces that morning.