The review, which contradicts some recent studies, will be used to craft the 2025 dietary guidelines
The sick-quitter effect rears its head yet again…
Two more things:
- The details are massively condemning, but the headline cherry-picks out the only nice thing said about alcohol.
And 2:
"Watchdogs have criticized the NASEM committee for including researchers with financial ties to the alcohol beverage industry, and too few panelists with relevant research experience. "
So even the one nice thing is sponsored bullshit anyway.
Nothing to see here, carry on.
Not to mention that reports on the effects that alcohol has on any individual’s mortality tends to ignore the overwhelming effects of pretty much everything else about life on this planet right now and the simple fact that any number of them is more likely to end you before your go-to coping routine outpaces your body’s ability to depoison it.
FFS. The serf shame is deep as pig shit. ✊🏼
I’m going to file this under “people who can afford two expensive drinks daily can also afford a low stress life extending lifestyle”, for now.
Yeah and people who can afford a horse can also afford proper medical care.
Two drinks per day is considered moderate? I call it alcoholism.
But let’s all destroy our brains with one of the worst drugs available, just because a review said it could make us live a little longer, after all it’s not like alcohol is responsible for the most deadly avoidable cause of death
You can be against it, and cry about it online, but It’s not alcoholism.
Wait, people actually disagree with this?
TIL a glass a wine with your meal is alcoholism
What a fucking weirdo.
Replace it with “a cigarette or two”
Ok weirdo
Well that’s a sad defense of alcoholism.
Having one drink with a meal is the weirdest definition of alcoholism, weirdo guy.
I CaLl iT AlCoHoLiSm. What are you in 5th grade in 1994 at a dare presentation? Grow up and leave adults alone.
14 drinks a week is a lot, but alcohol is so normalized in nearly every culture that people respond like you.
For some people 1 drink is to much and in some cultures drinking alcohol will get you prison time, what is your point? What would be worse for someone’s health 14 fucking giant Cokes a week or a beer with lunch and a glass of wine with dinner?
Bets on the latter. Your liver (among other things) does not like alcohol.
If only you knew a nutrition specialist or could ring up a doctor. Guess you can just keep believing in Santa Claus and your feels.
You seem pretty irritable. Perhaps you’re going through withdrawl?
I’m just tired of you mommas boys trying to child proof the world. Hey don’t want your life choices being regulated maybe be tolerate of other adults and their decisions.
When a drug is used in more than a daily frequency,I tend to call it an addiction, yes.
Your alcoholism doesn’t change that.
When a drug is used in more than a daily frequency,I tend to call it an addiction, yes.
yes and that is why drinking 1 coffee a day is a drug addiction.
If I eat ice cream every day am I addicted?
Good chance you’re addicted to the sugar, yes.
Your right I’m just gonna live in a box and stare at screens real life is too dangerous, the thought of having fun is scary and should be banned for everyone because I have a problem with controlling my behavior. /S
Do you use your phone once a day?
What are you, an addict?
Guilty as charged but I’m an adult if I wanna doom scroll and not eat I don’t wanna hear any crying.
If ice cream destroys your health and causes risks for you and others, yes, I don’t think I’d call it anything else.
Name something that won’t eventually kill you.
So water is a toxic drug that causes most car accidents?
Stop the bullshit defense, if you’re unable to live without alcohol just accept it and move on, don’t start making such a sad argument.
Dude who the fuck mentioned anything about drinking and driving? Do you not have trains and ride share services? Also 2 fucking drinks doesn’t make you a drunk driver. Cold medicine is just as dangerous. Quit your pathetic bullshit argument about how your drunk uncle molested you and so you have to control everyone else around you.