an excellent analysis of the gameplay of Final Fantasy XVI (at home) and the plot compared to the 1957 movie “The Seventh Seal”

there’s even a video!


“In Final Fantasy XVI you press square four times, then triangle, then circle, then square. Occasionally you will hold R2 and press square or triangle. If you want to really have fun, you might throw in a L2 every once-in-a-while, to speed things along. It’s fine.”

“Final Fantasy XVI is We Have Final Fantasy At Home.”

“Both the world of Valisthea and Europe in The Seventh Seal, are worlds ravaged by affronts to their positive and their negative freedoms.”

"To love something more than the reproduction is to create an opportunity for suffering. If one loves the reproduction more than their own desires then when their desires are consumed, they maintain the energy to reproduce.

And reproduction is quite fun."