If any Swedes are here, I’m American and I support this idea. It’s a necessary and proper response to an absolutely insane government, voted into power by people divorced from reality. I genuinely welcome your efforts to reintroduce it to my imbecillic countrymen.
I am also American and approve of this.
From someone that is in Sweden; it’s not as good as you might think it is. Sweden has together with the rest of the European countries started to militarize aggressively but without any factual threat. There is no talk about deescalation and focus on resolving the Ukraine war with diplomacy. Jeffrey Sachs among many prominent intellectual geopoliticians have long advocated for a peaceful solution. Even though USA has started dialogue with Russia, the European Commission is hellbent with to continue sponsoring a proxy war.
Only one country has attacked Finland in the last 100 years and it wasn’t Sweden. And that country did it TWICE.
That’s why we militarise.
The only way to de-escalate with Russia is to beat them so hard that they surrender.
The only peaceful solution in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is if Russia leaves Ukraine. That’s the ONLY peaceful solution. And that’s not bloody likely to happen.
Anything else needs a militarized Europe.
There IS a factual threat. There should NOT be de-escalation in Ukraine. The way forward is through, not retreat, not capitulation to an expansionist despot. Do not use the US as a positive example here - that’s an insult to sane Americans as well as your fellow Europeans. You can be better than that.
This is actually the only misguided responses that Reddit is full of. The so called Russian threat against Sweden or other countries is an hoax that started with the us war propaganda. To neglect that militarization only escalates the current situation and to all of a sudden care so much about Ukraine,when the only dead ones are Ukrainians and Russian soldiers, while Scandinavians are sitting on the side line and pouring military aid…….that’s plain inhumane. You are welcome to supply any evidence of Russian invasion of Sweden.
lol ok sure buddy. Blocking.
Redditors everywhere.this is why I can’t stand Reddit. No constructive discussion, and most have no understanding of the implications of war
There is no constructive discussion with bad faith actors like you. Go away, you are not welcome here.
If you let the invaders win, how do you think the future will look? They will look around and go for more. Giving Russia what they want is not the way.
Idiot. And new user for less than a day. And no clue about Russia’s history and hatred of NATO. Maybe talk to your neighbors across the Black Sea about the “nonexistent” Russian threat. Are you really stupid enough to think a 1 country buffer makes Russia a zero threat?
It’s no use, people here are cheering for increased militarization and to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. Any other approach is labeled as sympathy for Russia.
Title doesn’t seem to be doing this justice – I don’t think a group called “boykot verer fra USA” is Swedish, as that looks like Danish to me.
So I’d guess that this is happening in Denmark as well.
Does anyone know of any of these groups emerging in the anglosphere outside of Canada? Would be interested to see if there’s one in my country but I don’t have facebook
I can tell you with 100% certainty that the group name you wrote isn’t Danish. Whether it’s Swedish or not, I’m not sure, but there you go
it’s 100% not swedish.
Don’t want to be a negative nelly, but Sweden is probably same as Finland. You don’t see much US products at consumer lever and if you do, they are definately not essentials. Usually they are on the exotics section i.e. candy and soda.
But there are lots of American companies like McDonald’s (Hesburger ftw)
McD is on a franchising model. Boycotting them in Finland hurts the Finnish entrepreneur more than the Mothership in the US.
Coke and others are also manufactured in Finland, with a license.
There is this tiny “America” shelf in the grocery store I’m boycotting tho 😀
Most of those just work with licences and the products are not made in US. You are not hurting US business by boycotting them, only local entrepreneurs. In US they’ll still get their licence fees.
In Finland McDonalds burger ingredients come from Europe. Beef patties come from East-Europe. Hesburger is the same and their claim on local ingredients is bullshit. Only the bun and possibly fries might be locally produced.
In McDonalds the vegetarian pattie come from US. Those are unhealthy ultraprocessed food and due to logistical distances they are an ecological nightmare. You shouldn’t be eating those anyway.
Same with Coke and Pepsi. They are produced by local companies with licence. If you gave somebody here a US made soda they would be wierded out. Due to agricultural reasons US uses corn syrup to sweeten everything and European taste finds that really funky.
I’m American and boycotting by moving to Sweden lol
I’d love to move to Sweden. Any advice on how to move out there?
Live with the crushing despair of having a tech job that provides no real value long enough to have a degrees worth of money and living expenses then get on a student visa, is what I’m attempting anyway idk probably there are easier options
Fair enough. I’m sorry to hear all that. I’m lucky enough to have a good tech job, but I’d love to have a good tech job in Sweden instead of here in the US.
Around 90% of Swedes speak English and tech jobs are often done in English, from what I’ve heard. You could potentially get a work visa
I’m American and I’m boycotting the hell out of it too. Supporting my neighborhood businesses.