It’s a distraction. Like, genuinely, this does not matter in the current context. Sure, maybe it’s interesting, but if we’re considering this in the context of the fascist takeover happening as we speak, this is simply another example of orangeboi tossing out a shiny thing to distract people from other, more heinous things that are happening.
More like “Government releases —————— of ————— pages ————- — JFK ——————“
“Congress voted in 1992 to require the government to release and declassify all records related to the assassination and subsequent investigations by 2017, but that deadline was repeatedly pushed back by Trump and President Joe Biden due to national security concerns.”
This stood out to me. It’s not that it has suddenly been declassified by EO. It was already supposed to be declassified. It has been delayed by the president since 2017.
And nothing of use will get released