I was a lonely child, my childhood was spent navigating the cruelty of my peers and the emptiness of a traveling merchants home. My mother passed when I was young and though my father was a wonderful man spent his life abroad to support us. So unfortunately I was in custody of a nasty women named Vickey Cheswell, or Miss Cheswell as she preffered. With a temper as short as a mouse and a public demeanor of a Saint, I found myself isolated and alone in this world. Well atleast I was until one faithful day. As I laid crying in my bed, I saw a shooting star pass by… I loudly proclaimed “I wish I had a friend!!!”. After I screamed, my bed rocked! Underneath a creature that I could only describe as hideous crawled out! As it loomed over me, the creature said “I heard you, I heard you cry many nights, it made me sad, I could not take it anymore… Would you like to play?”. I was in shock but agreed…it was a great time, the creature was a great friend! As time went by this became a regular event. As I got older, I needed the creature less as I came into my own. When I turned about Twelve. I asked the creature if he lived under my bed and why he was so nice. The monster told me; “Yes I live under your bed, well I do right now but i have to go I think. I used to live in a hole on the side of a mountain not far from here. I grew up with no friends or family. I was very lonely myself and it made me very sad you were sad… I slowly moved closer and closer until I got brave enough to come here… In a city of thousands of voices I heard you crying and I felt your pain. I wanted to help. Now you are grown, strong and happy… I hear a little girl crying not far from here… I know you’ll be alritr and be a good person…” That was the last time I seen him. Later in life I discovered that Goberlins were a very timid, caring and protective creature. Who often try to help but are demonized due to there appearance. Due to the example this creature set for me. I will use my families fortune to help crying children. I will open a orphabage called the Goberlin Bed! A place for crying children to grow up and grow strong.

Alex Sventom- Owner of the Goberlin House