Title. I asked the same question on the car enthusiast community. Please share thoughts here for comparison.

  • ColorcodedResistor@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    a primary benefit of not owning a car is relinquishing any and all responsibility from you to provide transportation for anyone, especially loved ones. Having an Emergency? that sucks, hope the EMTs arrive soon. Did we need some milk or a couple groceries? sorry, public transit trip tik has this taking 6hrs round trip, that’s just too inconvenient, have you tried Uber? or Door Dash?

    not owning a car means friends have to pick YOU up, never ever the other way around. you get to be treated like royalty, everywhere. people with cars are so dumb lol. All that money I’m saving i can use to spend on delivery and uber. truly a better way forward is no vehicles of any kind, you all were born with legs, don’t act like you can’t walk.

    edit: have any of you considered moving to a place where a car IS necessary? you keep telling everyone to move to move to move. okay with what? a bike? yeah okay. wake up.

    the car is the modern day horse. everything you bitch about cars for. people used to complain about horses. upkeep, shitting everywhere, water, feed.but guess what cars are measured in? Horse Power. think about it. if you want to do work. to be a professional with tools and a trade. you need a vehicle…

    • monk@lemmy.unboiled.info
      1 year ago

      Did we need some milk or a couple groceries? sorry, public transit trip tik has this taking 6hrs round trip, that’s just too inconvenient

      Have you considered moving to a country that does sell milk? I can visit 3 capitals within 6 hours of public transport roundtrip. Though one can legally buy milk halfway to the tram station, so that’d be 5 min walking roundtrip.