Israel waged 15 wars against Gaza in the last 75 years, and all failed to resolve the core issues, says former French diplomat Jean-Pierre Filiu, professor of Middle East Studies at Sciences Po.

Filiu tells host Steve Clemons that Gaza’s rich history as a trading post connecting Africa and Asia goes back 4,000 years. The way Israel has cut it off from the world “goes against its history and the nature of its people”.

He says Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s heritage sites – ancient mosques, churches, museums – means that “the memory of humanity is being erased before our eyes.”

    9 months ago

    Can we please stop posting a propaganda outlet that is financed and controlled by the same government that is also sponsoring Hamas?

      9 months ago

      Aljazeera reliably reports on world news that gets totally ignored by other outlets, is the thing. I haven’t read up on Qatar’s policy’s otherwise, and I do notice that aljazeera never seems point fingers at Qatar’s own issues, but I’ve generally been very glad it exists.

      Do you have an alternative that’s equally good for breadth and depth of world news, but in your view less biased?

      Edit: I’ll note also that aljazeera does post no shortage of negative articles about the actions of, and human rights abuses by, Hamas, too. They’re just not getting shared here on beehaw, since Israel’s actions are rather more attention grabbing at the moment. I’ve never seen them post any stories or opinion pieces praising Hamas, either.