Seemingly some folks at AEW/WBD watched Punk’s interview with Ariel and have probably decided he talked a little bit too much. 👀

This Wednesday may be spicy.

SRS Speaking on it

[Young Bucks] Roll. The. Tape.

Dave Meltzer on X: AEW will be airing the Punk-Perry footage on Wednesday. We’ll discuss that on tonight’s show

Bryan Alvarez: Yes, Tony is airing the Punk/Jungle Boy footage on Wednesday. It’s not a bait and switch.

This is gonna be a bad look for AEW and TK, or the funniest scene of a 40+ year old bitchbaby having a fit that I’ve ever seen.

    6 months ago

    To me the only interesting part of this is that WBD are so keen on it; some folks are wondering if that’s because some part of non disclosure/disparagement might have been breached but you’d send in lawyers if that were the case. So really it just comes down to correcting Punk’s version of events and if it were me the only reason i’d be so keen to do so would be because the way he has portrayed it is so far from the truth that its reputation harming to leave it uncorrected.