I’m going to very carefully poke the hornet’s nest here and ask this basic question that I never really explicitly formulated. It seems apt here on Lemmy in particular because people take as a given the superiority of Linux as the starting point of conversations involved computers generally.

I’m not here to refute this, but I am thinking I should interrogate it a bit more. I’ll start with an “average” user, to which I’ll have to give some sort of definition.

Imagine somebody with a low to moderate concern about privacy, more than none, but not much more and will happily trade it for useful or enjoyable services. Imagine the use case of a desktop computer for this type of person is productivity software they use at work/school, and occasionally for their own purposes too because they’re familiar with it. They also like to watch movies, browse the web, and communicate with friends and family using popular free software packages. Security isn’t much of a worry for them, but they do engage in private communication and also banking and will pour a lot of personal information in to the machine in exchange for a lot of useful abilities like paying bills and organising their life.

Now also picture this person is open minded, at least a little and willing to hear you out on the concept of operating systems and of Linux in particular. Is it automatically in such a person’s interests to switch to Linux? And is it always a good idea to start with supposition that it is and that the only barrier is hesitancy and ignorance? Would any of their needs actually be better met should they switch? A lot of this discussion tends to devolve in to whether it is or isn’t hard for such a person to use Linux should they make the switch and whether using Linux is inherently more difficult than for example Windows but I think what’s missed here is, assuming it’s super easy to switch for an “average” user and perfectly easy to operate thereafter, is it actually better in such a case? If the needs are so basic, what has been gained? Is it mostly an ideological preference for the philosophical concepts behind the open source movement? That could be enough in and of itself perhaps, you could pitch Linux as “better” within that framework at least for the ideals it promotes. I feel like I sense there’s a desire to push Linux for this reason on the thinking that if just one more person joins the fold so to speak, then it generally pushes the world at large vaguely in the right direction in some small way. But is there anything more tangibly superior for an “average” user? It seems like nowadays hardware has long surpassed the needs of users like these such that things like “performance” don’t seem all that relevant considering almost any available platform could fulfill these needs so thoroughly that theoretically superior performance from the software would seem not to play a role. There is the security and privacy aspect, certainly for me, that definitely puts me off Windows but if an “average” user says they don’t care about this things, can you really say they’re being foolhardy in a practical sense? In a wider view, arguably, in the way that it pushes the world in a generally worse direction, but for them directly in the near to medium or even long term, what’s going to happen if they just don’t even worry about it? People say Windows has poor security, but for the number of people using it, just how many will personally experience actual measurable harm from this? Despite pouring so much personal information in to their computer, I suspect they could likely go a lifetime without experiencing identity theft, or harrassment from authorities, or tangible/financial losses. I suspect they probably know that too. That seems to me again like it really only leaves more of a “digital veganism” approach to Linux’s virtues. That’s appealing to some, to me a bit even but it’s a much narrower basis for proclaiming it “superior”

Now at the other end of the spectrum, the users that are not the least “average” who run Linux on their home systems and probably at work, use open source alternatives for every possible service and do not need conversion as they themselves are Linux preachers. What is it that they typically get out of Linux? I’ve heard many say they enjoy “tinkering”. I get that, is that the main benefit though? It seems then that the appeal is that it’s kind of “hard”, like a puzzle, but I don’t think any of this crowd would like that assessment. What do you want to tinker with though that closed systems would prevent you from doing? This probably goes to the heart of it because it’s the point at which I think probably most diverge from say an IT professional or programmer that loves Linux, I am too ignorant here to know what I don’t know and I just can’t really conceive of a scenario where I might for example want to personally modify the kernel of an operating system. Most examples I see if that type of thing is people making hardware work, and it’s ingenious and impressive but the hardware is usually that part of the setup that’s not democratised and not open source, it’s usually something off the shelf it seems to me that that hardware would have worked already on a more popular platform. Likewise when you eke out of last bit of performance out of a system, what are you actually doing with it? I mean I get that it’s a crying shame for hardware to be hobbled by lousy software but if the use for the hardware, the need for computing to be done can be met with existing platforms, what is done with the savings from the better software?

  • SteleTrovilo@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Windows has so much pushy behavior - trying to trick you into using Edge, turning on OneDrive and syncing files in the background (eating bandwidth in the process), locking you out of the machine while OS updates run.

    When I switched to Linux Mint in 2015, the most surprising result was how much smoother and frictionless everything became.

    I genuinely believe that the “average” user outlined above would be served well by Mint. Why would I not tell people to use it?

    • soupuos@sopuli.xyz
      1 year ago

      I completely agree. Software that utilizes dark patterns to push me towards behavior that monetarily benefits them while degrading my experience simply rubs me the wrong way.

    • The_Mixer_Dude@lemmus.org
      1 year ago

      Because you are really editorializing a Windows experience and pretty much nobody is bothered by a simple annoyance they deal with once after getting a new computer and most people understand it’s important and useful to install updates and really just don’t want to deal with an OS that prone to failure constantly.

      Windows just works, why would I not use it?

      • SteleTrovilo@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Wait, you thought I was arguing against the idea of OS updates in general? Read better.

        I was arguing against the idea that the user has to be forced out of the system while they run updates. This is because I use an OS where the updates run in a window and I can keep working.

        (To everyone else: check out this guy’s comment history. He basically came here to do PR for Windows.)

        • The_Mixer_Dude@lemmus.org
          1 year ago

          Yeah but on your OS there’s a 30% chance half your driver’s will disappear when you restart after updating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          • SteleTrovilo@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            I’ve been using Linux since 2015, and I run OS updates ASAP. Usually about once every 1 or 2 weeks, if we are only counting system updates. So that’s about 298 updates total, right?

            Given your math (298 × 0.3) , you predict that I would have encountered driver issues after an update 89 times.

            I have encountered driver issues 0 times.

            (This is across 4 computers and 5 distros.)

  • sacredbirdman@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’m a long time Linux user and a programmer. What I love about it (besides privacy, non-pushiness etc.) is that I can pull pretty much whatever program or tool I need from package manager and that command-line lets me integrate many command line tools with graphical apps.

    Just yesterday I made a little script that pulls weather data from a “non-official” weather station that is closer to me and stores it in a csv-file, then I could bind a key combination to fire another script that plots and shows me that data. It’s just a few command line tools mashed together. A few days ago I wrote little scripts that control lighting in my house and I can bind keys to those as well… maybe that’s “tinkering” too but they’re small things that make my life a little bit better :) Is that impossible to do in Windows? No, but Linux has much less friction.

  • Kogasa@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    Lots of good points have already been made, so I’ll just share a different one. IMO Linux is a lot more conducive to sane systems administration. It is designed to be used and maintained, not to sell licenses or collect marketable data or grow a media/software platform or all the other things that shape Windows.

    When you start poking at the underbelly of Windows, you see decades of aged, decayed infrastructure in various stages of functionality, largely undocumented and closed-source. There are ungodly webs of inscrutable APIs and drivers and frameworks and DLLs and bullshit that is just kind of a pain to think about. Windows sys admin is at least part of my job and I still find it annoying. Venturing outside the happy path is painful.

    On Linux, it feels more like a normal part of life. You might run into obscure issues, but chances are there is documentation that could help, or maybe source code, and maybe there’s a forum post about it (with replies from humans, not Microsoft spambots). It feels more like you’re working with the community instead of working against Microsoft.

  • JGrffn@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Speaking as someone who’s still transitioning from windows to Linux on his machines…

    1. My main concern is that the software I use should feel like it’s there for ME, not for the company it’s from. Windows does not feel like it’s putting me first. Many have covered all the reasons in detail, but I don’t like having to fight my OS to get things the way I want them… Which is funny because

    2. Yeah, its fun to tinker with Linux, but there is some fighting to get it to do what you want, especially when you’re new to it. For instance, I’m on KDE, I set up a very aesthetic top bar with a calendar & time widget in the middle. It took me MONTHS and countless small sessions of reading to get my email’s events and special dates to show up on the calendar. I was missing KOrganizer, as well as some extra settings that only show up on the calendar widget if you have KOrganizer installed. I’ve yet to figure out how to refresh the data to get up to date info, because so far it seems like the data just stays stale. I’ll eventually get to it.

    I also randomly corrupted my partition during an update and spent a good 5 hours getting it back. I’m experienced enough that I wasn’t worried at all, and I was even enjoying the process at the beginning…but by the end of it, I was just annoyed. The solution? Yeah my distro’s documentation mentions a specific command, “rebuild-kernels” which instantly fixed my partition. It was like the second sentence in an article about my bootloader. I felt stupid for how simple that was, compared to how much I was doing with other suggestions I found online…

    So yeah, point is, it’s tough, and I personally am not fond of it, since I just want my PC to let me do my thing while I let it do its thing. Even then, I would still rather deal with that kind of thing than deal with Microsoft’s or Apple’s shenanigans (also, kinda hoping that immutable distro’s aren’t as tedious, even though I know they will be, cause I think that would be an even more ideal system, one that’s very tough to corrupt).

    1. I totally get the sentiment on overpowered hardware. The nice thing about this era of Computing is that you can do a lot of things that you currently pay for as a service online. You just need some of that overpowered hardware you might already have lying around. Want to stop paying for a cloud photo backup? You can spin up an immich server. Too many streaming services with too little content? Fuck em, spin up a Jellyfin or Plex instance, automate content downloads with Arr services, hell, create your own subtitles with a speech to text language model running on your own equipment. Philips suddenly wants you to have an account to turn on your lightbulbs? Throw in home assistant to the stage, tell your lightbulbs to know their place. LastPass leaked your passwords? Throw them into Vaultwarden, throw your second factor in there as well (or don’t, convenience vs security, and I’m too fucking lazy to care).

    The amount of stuff that can be self hosted is insane, and it can absolutely replace a lot of the things you’re currently using, and it can all happen in a specialized Linux-based OS for running a bunch of services, such as Proxmox, TrueNAS Scale, unRAID, etc.

    In the end, though, there’s a lot of “having to learn new things” and “loving to tinker” needed for a lot of it. It’s fine that your average user isn’t interested. It’s sad for those of us who care, who truly believe we need to regain most of our freedom from this tech, but it’s totally not the end of the world either. Maybe there’s no appeal to the average user…yet.

    My advice would always be to try, say, Linux mint on a spare laptop, and force yourself to use it for casual stuff. Give it a try, and if it geeks out on you too much for your liking, you go back to your platform of choice. No biggie, it just doesn’t hurt to see what’s on the other side. Who knows, maybe you don’t mind the casual tinkering that you may encounter, maybe you don’t even feel a difference in day to day use compared to your platform of choice, or hopefully you like it even more because it might do things in an easier manner than you’re used to. If that’s the case, then think about whether you’re ok with Apple’s walled garden, or Microsoft’s occasional antitrust infringements, or if you might simply want something to work your way and not the creating company’s way.

  • kool_newt@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    What is it that they typically get out of Linux?

    I’m a 25 year Linux user (Arch BTW) I’m not sure I get anything out of Linux that would be appreciated by someone who doesn’t care about anything other than getting a simple job done with tools they don’t care to think about.

    This is like asking what the driver of a high quality, highly capable car gets from their car that would appeal to someone more than happy with their Yaris.

    Also note, that in all my years, I’ve hardly had to think much about the kernel directly unless I’m trying something unusual. I don’t typically tinker or reinstall, my laptop works day in and day out and I do my job on it.

  • circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    It seems apt

    May trigger some folks here by using apt. :)

    I’ve been a linux user off-and-on for about ten years. In the last two years, I’ve worked to switch to it exclusively, with the last holdout being my gaming rig that has been Windows-free for 1-1.5 years. I rely on Arch, Debian, and Pop for my daily drivers, but I’m also always trying to suggest that distro doesn’t matter a whole lot, except to simplify setup for certain use cases.

    But as to the crux of your question: for me, the appeal comes down to a few different factors.


    This is the one absolutely everyone says. It’s true in some senses, but not in others. For example, I do have more or less complete freedom over my own hardware if I am using a purely FOSS setup. There is a certain power in that, but moreover, it feels like a necessity – I paid for the hardware, and am wholly opposed to handing over usage rights to it to some software black box that could be doing things outside of my best interests. Is that tinfoil hat-ty? Yep. But I also do think it’s realistic.


    This might seem out of place given Linux’s history. It’s better known as a tinkerer’s OS with lesser known procedures and mechanisms than as an easy, practical OS. But Linux has changed by leaps and bounds since its earlier days. It’s no longer difficult to set up (unless you want some crazy shit, but that’s true on the Windows side too and thus can be factored out).

    I measure practicality in a few different ways. Does the machine do what I need it to? Does it waste resources doing so? Does it do things I don’t want it to do? Is it hard to do the things I need to do on the machine?

    In my own experience, Linux does what I need it to do. It does it without wasting as many resources as Windows (I was still on an i7 4790k until last week, because it was plenty – I only upgraded for gaming performance). It doesn’t do things I don’t ask it to, and even if it did, I could adjust it.

    The common annoyance of Windows Update being constantly in your face is a thing. Ads in the start menu. Bloatware. All of those things I don’t want the hardware that I paid for to be doing. All of those things make Windows less practical for daily use.

    But what about software support? What if I need something that only runs on Windows? First, these instances are fewer and fewer. Gaming was the biggest of elephants in the room, and frankly, I find Linux gaming superior to Windows now. I can run DX12 games and pre-cache the shaders, causing less stutter in general as a result. For AMD, the graphics drivers are in the Linux kernel – never do I need to worry about manual video driver installs again. Yes, some games do not perform as well through Proton – but some perform at parity and others run better than on Windows.

    There are some clear examples of software with no real Linux alternative, e.g. Adobe suite: You could use GIMP instead of Photoshop for many tasks, but not all. You could opt for Inkscape instead of Illustrator, except it doesn’t support CMYK and some other features. Need Premiere? Then you probably actually need Premiere. There isn’t really a good way to run the Windows versions (unless they now work in WINE or even Proton – I haven’t looked into it in some time), so if you need them, you may be SOL. But many people do not need them, myself included, and the alternatives work great for the limited use cases I have elsewhere.

    The new reliance on web apps for so many things has been an obvious boon for Linux. You can have the same browser experience but without the extra overhead in the back.

    All of this adds up, in my view, to an experience that is superior on the Linux side, and thus I stick with it.


    Believe it or not, this is a big one. Stereotypes aside, the Linux community (and FOSS community) in general is amazing to be a part of. You usually don’t see people discussing the finer points of Windows outside of corporate events. But Linux still rides that line between hobby and necessity. The community is one of the things that keeps computing fun, but at this point Windows just feels like the soulless. corporate option. In contrast, for as stable and easy as modern Linux can be, it can also still be a tinkerer’s playground at heart.

    All of these things taken together – the freedom, the practicality, keeping the fun in computing – make Linux an obvious choice in my opinion. I really have not looked back.

  • Overzeetop@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    People who prefer Linux generally like full control over their computer, and accept that manual control requires manual work, or are excited about learning the inner workings of their PC. These are the DIY deck builders who crown their joists and use stainless fasteners. The cooks who hone and strop their knives. The swimmers who shave their bodies. The backyard gardeners who send soil samples to the extension service and rotate their vegetables in their 1/8 acre homes. All otherwise normal and average folks who are passionate about getting the most out of some facet of their lives. And all of this stuff is “silly” or “unnecessary” to most people who build a deck, cook dinner every night, swim at the community pool, or have flowers in their yards. And so even if Linux is objectively better, it’s pretty likely the average user isn’t going to see any advantage to it.

  • Kidplayer_666@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    You said performance doesn’t matter. It does. If you have an older system or a system that due to Microsoft’s strict windows 11 requirement feels slow or is not able to have the latest OS, Linux can be quite worthy, as it tends to be quite lightweight. For simpler use cases, like general web browsing or simpler file editing, open source utilities are very much usable and delightful to use. In Linux, you will never (unless NVIDIA is thrown to the mix or some pesky Wi-Fi cards) have driver issues. Printers, that horrible nightmare on windows, are actually usable on Linux. For more complex documents, nowadays, with the improvements in wine, you can pretty much just install a better office suite. And for slightly more than basic users, the customisation is more than worth the slight inconvenience Linux may cause. Also, sometimes Linux just gets new features first, like workspaces, something that only came to windows 11, and has existed for years on Linux

      • ScreaminOctopus@sh.itjust.works
        1 year ago

        I have a laptop that was around 6 years old when windows 10 came out (i7 Asus ultrabook). It’s basically incapable of running it, even opening a browser takes over a minute. It runs any linux distro I’ve put on it very well and it’s currently 10 years old, I haven’t had any issues with web browsing, writing documents or anything else. There’s no reason to expect a computer that can browse the web when it rolled off the line shouldn’t be capable of doing so 6 years later. Computers don’t improve that quickly anymore.

        The culture of replacing devices every 4-5 years is completely manufactured by device manufacturers and Microsoft. It creates so much unnecessary waste and is destroying the planet.