You’re so right, the reporter, Ahmed Masood, probably is totally incorrect. /s
You’re so right, the reporter, Ahmed Masood, probably is totally incorrect. /s
Laughing at hopeful Palestinians who face genocide every day. And you have the gall to consider yourself an ally?
Not at all, the vice president has like no powers or responsibilities. The most significant things they can do is break a tie in the Senate.
Actual Palestinians didn’t find it meaningless, apparently. And if they can believe it, so can we.
Of everyone, people in Gaza have the most right to be cynical. Yet, they aren’t. If they have hope, who are we to say their hope is wrong?
This is what I’m referring to. Palestinians hopeful that Harris will bring change and feeling encouraged that she’s rebuked Netanyahu.
If people digging out their dead children can be hopeful that she’ll bring change, instead of cynical, perhaps you should follow their example.
Yeah, no. Look at what they’re actually saying. Their position is that they’re hopeful Harris will bring a difference and they’re impressed that she’s rebuked Netanyahu.
Who said I was supporting the genocide and the defense of it? I take the same approach as them in the letter. It’s an undeniable genocide and horrific, but the situation is most likely to get better under Harris, not Trump.
If agreeing with that letter is weaponizing my identity against solidarity with Palestine, what do you think of the letter writers?
As a brown person myself I want to know if you agree with the leaders or if you’re saying you know better than us. It’s hardly racist to wonder if we’re being patronized by people who claim to know better than us.
Oh good point, I guess those Palestinians forgot all about the bombing and dead children and digging out their families when they said they prefer Harris to Trump.
You ain’t no fucking ally, so don’t pretend to be one. Responding to “Palestinians seem to prefer Harris” with “they’ll be ecstatic that a brown woman is bombing them” is infantilising them and their opinions. It’s disgusting.
Just say it, “anticolonialist”. Say what you really mean, and that you know better than all of us brown people about what’s best for us. Go on, continue to deride our difficult choices and tell us how much better you know than us.
You aren’t living up to your username, and I hope that makes you second guess things. As a brown guy you’re no better than a colonialist in my eyes. And I think my people have had enough of you.
The only thing disgusting here is that you assume you’ve got a moral high ground and superiority over these Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian community leaders. I trust their opinion.
I’m tired of champagne socialists pretending to be all for progressive causes and then they act like they know better than us brown people and are our wiser saviors. As a brown person, that makes you no better than a Republican in my eyes. Stop using us as a cudgel and patronizing us instead of listening to us. Strip away your imperialist mindset and listen to AAPI people to try and win for once.
So, do you agree with these Muslim leaders, or are you saying you know better than them?
Perhaps they should listen to what Palestinians want them to do.
Wanna tell that to these Palestinians? It is patronizing colonialism to suggest you know better than they do.
Slow death is far more preferably then it isn’t incurable and terminal. It creates an opportunity to stop the death. A peace agreement a year from now under Harris means way more people are still alive than if it’s under Trump.
That’s all that should matter. Slowing it gives time for intervention and for an opposition coalition to grow. This conflict has been going on for decades. Do you really believe things would be better if Israel just killed everyone 20 years ago? Do you believe things will be better if Israel kills everyone now, versus this conflict still existing in 20 years?
Consider to what actual Palestinians in Gaza are saying. They have a clear preference for Harris over Trump.
No, but:
It will build enthusiasm and make it more likely for people to actually go out and vote.
It’s the fucking right thing to do, and I’m glad to see a politician stand for it.
No I think it just proves this is a shit product
That was the moment I realized he was either going to be Tony Stark or Lex Luther.
And then he goes and proves me wrong by being worse than ever imaginable.
Stein refused to call Putin a war criminal, so yes. There is no anti genocide vote.
Invest in renewables?
I work for a green hydrogen production and supply company. Our financials are not amazing. If she cut a check for even a few $100k that would go a long way.
It’s time to stop bringing awareness to climate change, and to actually start addressing it. If you’re passionate enough to throw soup at a painting, you’re passionate enough to get job training to help operate renewable energy sites.
Bruh you just laughed at foreign women facing genocide because she dared to hope that Harris and the America youth would help ease their suffering and oppose Netanyahu.
Don’t pretend for a fucking second that you actually care about foreign women. “Leftists” like you are more like “liberals” than liberals are. You are everything you accuse them of being.
All of you that I’ve met are incredibly quick to abandon leftist ideals if it means laughing alongside fascists at the “libs being owned”.