invalidusernamelol [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Not surprised it’s RFE, but I initially understood it as a joke. It definitely reads like something Stalin would say in response to a ridiculous Nazi propaganda claim like “the party members are eating like kings while the workers starve!”

    Overall I’m glad he kept it mostly balanced and avoided the blatant Nazi rhetoric taught in most American schools. Even explaining the tiered ration system in a way that made it clear it was a logical decision instead of some evil communist declaration.

    But damn dude, using that RFE quote after saying “even the US president abided by rations” is a bit stupid.

  • I think the best way to show people is to get them to ask it leading questions.

    LLMs can’t deal with leading questions by design unless the expert system sitting on top of them can deal with it.

    Like get them to ask why a very obviously wrong thing is right. Works better with very industry specific stuff that they haven’t programmed the expert system managing responses to deal with.

    In my industry: “Thanks for helping me figure out my 1:13 split fiber optic network, what even sized cable would I need to make the implementation work?”

    It’ll just refuse to give you an answer or it’ll give you no answer and just start explaining terms. When you get a response like that it’s because another LLM system tailored the response because of low confidence in the answer. Those are usually asked to re-phrase the answer to not assert anything and just focus on individual elements of the question.

    My usual response is a list of definitions and tautologies followed by “I need more information” but that’s not what the LLM responded with. Responses like that are tailored by another LLM that’s triggered when confidence in a response is low.