iridaniotter [she/her, it/its]

I’m a communist 😈

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020



    It also becomes clearer that the so-called “four modernizations,” far from being a practical and down-to-earth approach to China’s economic problems or an ambitious and far-reaching vision of the future (depending on what species of apologetics and sycophancy one chooses) is, in point of fact, a recipe for disaster–no more realistic and no more in the people’s interests than the Shah’s vaunted modernization efforts. And if one wants to speak of idealism (of the most reactionary sort) then the assumptions which are the brick and mortar of these plans are well worth summarizing: somehow the imperialists are going to aid China in developing an independent and comprehensive industrial base; China will at the same time beat them at their own game–playing banking syndicates and suppliers off against each other for loans and technology; and once China lays hold of all this wondrous technology, it will cut these backers loose, break free of any entanglements and with this technology change what Teng Hsiao-ping, in one of his characteristically blunt statements, called the “ugly face” of China. There are no production relations in this fantasyland, no imperialist power politics. Beneath all the trappings of this future world nonsense is the classical comprador contempt and fear of the masses taking society into their own hands and awe and fright at the imperialists.

    lmao deng-smile