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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • You can think this all you want, but they absolutely are the party of the working class. They constantly push for policies that would benefit the working class and most vulnerable people in the country, and advocate for solutions to issues that would actually change the status quo. Their proposal for electoral reform is the best any party has come up with. They’ve also been the only party showing up to union rallies and picket lines during strikes.

    While the Cons and Liberals have been voting together on a lot of bills, the NDP has been fighting against their neolib garbage. They might not be perfect, but your “they’re all the same” garbage only makes sure we stay in the hellish austerity cycle we’re stuck in.

  • Motherfucker I am Jewish. Don’t lecture me on this shit. Maybe we’ve been saying it’s a genocide for 70 years because it actually has been. Israel has broken every agreement and treaty they’ve signed, murdering Palestinians and stealing their homes all with the backing of the most powerful nations in the world. If you wanna talk about supporting terrorists, maybe look into who funded Hamas for decades. Suprise, it’s Israel.

    If genocide isn’t the right term, you should maybe tell that to the leading genocide researchers and historians telling us that’s exactly what is happening. Or maybe just read what Israel itself is putting out there.

    Israel doesn’t represent Jews. They are Zionists and fascists. Never again means never again for anyone, anywhere.

  • I’m gonna be honest, I saw this coming. Maybe it’s because I’ve had experiences with abusive media companies (though not nearly this severe), but when I saw Madison left with no real explanation, I had a feeling something was up. I still follow one of the women who was on their camera team, and she posted some vague but knowing comments after the news first came out that Madison quit.

    Fuck these egotistical tech bros that think they own the world because they got lucky. The worst part is they’ll never understand that they did something wrong.

  • When I was still watching I remember he said if LMG ever tried to unionize he would take it as a personal failure. The intention of that statement may mean well, but it’s a really not great view to have and profess. Unions can (and should) maintain a good relationship between the workers and management.

  • I wasn’t talking about the feds, I was talking about provincial governments in Canada, which municipalities and local governments are fully controlled by. So that small change also can’t happen, because a premiere can just decide they want to override what the local government wants to do, and there’s nothing you can do about that except wait for an election. And even then, our electoral system is so screwed up that the Conservatives have a majority government (allowing them to do whatever they want) with only 18% of eligible voters casting a ballot for them.

    Change is possible, but there’s a lotta steps we have to get through before urbanist advocacy is even going to be considered. Electorial reform bringing in MMPR is the first step.

  • I got in a fight with somebody on Instagram who decided to do a whole reel on how this is NJB “hurting urbanism”. I disagreed with them entirely, but I’m glad to not be seeing his awful points repeated here.

    Are there problems with Jason’s view? Absolutely, but he’s also not speaking on behalf of anyone other than himself. There straight up are massive amounts of the US and Canada that I don’t think are ever fixable, short of razing them and restarting. And the problem with advocacy to fix them is that there’s so many issues that compound to make them horrible places, that no advocacy group will be able to win anything. Putting in bike lanes only works when there are places to bike to (and we can’t even seem to get good bike lanes right here).

    He literally closes with “it can get better, but it cannot be fixed within your children’s lifetimes”. Specifically referring to the US there. He isn’t discouraging anyone from advocating, just explaining why he himself does not for NA.