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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Tankie is a pejorative label for communists and those who align with Marxism–Leninism ideology. More generally, the term “tankie” has been applied for those who express support for one-party socialist republics that are associated with Marxism–Leninism, whether contemporary or historical. And this is a communist communication platform. You absolute dunce.

    You got a source stating this is not somehow China’s debt?

    If you want to be laughably stupid, you gotta bring the sauce baby boo. I brought the sauce, how about you?

  • Both of your points were already addressed in the OP.

    The gross texts are available to read. They are undisputed facts. He is guilty of sending them.

    There are screenshots with no one claiming ownership. Investigators saw far more than you or I did and decided there wasn’t enough evidence to push charges.

    Do you feel we should live in a society with only legal consequences and no social consequences?

    Coughs in Johnny Depp

    I guess my question to you is: why make the comment at all, when your concerns were already addressed? I’m here. I’ll talk to you. How was your day?

  • I don’t think you understand the premise. China cannot force payment. The US is doing it because they want the dollar to stay high. It’s pretty adorable that you think just not paying is a thing to any country. That’s been done: Greece, Zimbabwe, China in the 90s and it keeps turning out the same way.

    China isn’t paying because they can’t afford to. Stealing isn’t a flex, buying a supercar is though (NGAD, Patriot missile system, worlds largest car carrier fleet, worlds largest and most numerous ballistic missile subs, etc).

  • I’ve seen graphs of the massive trade disparity between the US and China. If either side cut one off, there would be pressure to find replacement. It would be “cutting off the nose to spite the face.” So far the pressure to move to India has only really ramped up since the COVID pandemic. It takes a while to build factories and train workers

    It won’t happen until there is a military clash between the two, which will end in respecting boundaries or WW3. China will fight to keep US industry from moving to a neighbor. If China wants to expand, they need capital.

  • You said it perfectly: the massive amounts of imports to the US from China are a driving force of China’s economy. The US has been in steady decline for two decades. China is on the rise because of their massive exports to the US and the EU. Without those, China tanks, same as the US. The US will consume, and China will produce. That is the stats quo.

    US weapons are steamrolling the Russian army, without any US solders operating them. Ukraine is still gaining ground daily, on every front. Do you truly believe the US couldn’t roll through Russia the way Wagner did two weeks ago with only 25,000 troops? I said it earlier but I’ll say it again: Wagner is/was proud of the fact they used western arms and not Russian or Chinese. To say the US couldn’t take Russia is naive at best, downright false at worst.

    China’s industrial power absolutely dwarfs both US and Russia, so US would have absolutely no hope if it ever came to a war with China.

    Your hypothetical disregards the existence of NATO and Indo-Pacific alliances. Article 5: An attack on one is an attack on all. War between China and the US would be China Russia and N Korea vs the world. Be serious here. Do you think China by itself, or China with it’s “big” 3 allies could take Australia and the south Pacific states, nearly all of Europe (including states like Poland who are foaming at the mouth to inflict suffering on Russia), India, Japan, S Korea, and DEFINITELY the Philippines and Taiwan. Let’s not forget the massive military base on Guam.

    But let’s dig deeper: the US has the most aircraft carriers in world, the most veterans who have seen combat, the most ballistic missile subs, the largest air force, the most military bases, and the US has bases in Korea and Japan for exactly the situation you described. China currently has no capability to project it’s military onto US soil. They wouldn’t be able to cross the Pacific, whereas the US is already in Asia. China is not good to it’s neighbors, and many have historical grievances as well as ongoing territorial disputes (off the top of my head: India and Philippines). War between China and the US would be WW3, which both sides are actively avoiding. Don’t say things like “US would have absolutely no hope if it ever came to a war with China” when you don’t seem to grasp that it would be China vs the entire planet, and the entire planet is better equipped and on their doorstep.

    No, what has actually happened is that there are two world superpowers instead of one, each ruling their part of the globe, each dependant on the other to not drop the facade so they have an “enemy” to blame at home. To say either single country could take on the other is probably the worst argument you tried to make