• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • My boss had the worst employee satisfaction result ever seen in our group for his department. No surprise, he had oversold himself to get the job and when his idiotic project of redoing everything from the ground up started to be way delayed compared to the unrealistic promises he had made to the board, he asked everyone to go into “crunch mode” for “a short time”, work late, Saturdays, and so on. A “short time” became months…

    Anyhoo, he asked us, what we could do about his shitty results because the board actually got worried. I reminded him, the work life balance sucked, people were overworked and they didn’t see any end to “the crunch” and it had to stop before any other action.

    He dismissed my idea and he settled on a team lunch. But since he didn’t want to waste work time for “the crunch”, he decided to have it on a Sunday and fuck up the only off day for most of the people.

    I’ve never seen a floor of people so angry than the day they got the email about that team lunch.

    I told him, he dismissed it again.

    That’s about when I went into quiet quitting and patiently waited to be fired while pretending to be out on meeting and actually going for walks in the park.

  • A l’instant en passant une zone logistique en dessous du pont ferroviaire d’Argenteuil j’ai vu un camion porte container avec le container couché sur le flanc a côté du camion en travers de la route.

    Je me dit que quelqu’un est en train de passer une mauvaise journée. J’espère qu’il n’y a ait personne dessous.

  • Jour trois de la rénovation de la maison sur la place du village. Les mecs on décoffré leur poutre au dessus de l’ouverture pour leur baie vitrée.

    Depuis ce matin les artisans du coins qui passent au café regardent ça en faisant des commentaires sur la mauvaise qualité du boulot et sur le fait que la poutre n’a pas assez de support et que leur linteaux sont beaucoup trop petit. Un autre rajoute que le ferraillage qu’ils ont mis dedans est insuffisant. Le troisieme que vu le poid du mur au dessus, ça risque de se péter la gueule assez rapidement.

    Voilà, il se passe rien au bled, faut bien s’occuper. :D