• Beetlejuice001
    10 months ago

    It’s the 1% manufacturing consent for a return to slavery while everyone is distracted by their phones

    • Beetlejuice001
      10 months ago

      The 1% see the working class as animals. They only care about creating wealth. They don’t want nonbinary, trans or gay people in society. That takes away from reproduction. It is the real reason behind the abortion bans and rise of far right in the world.

      The Republicans have dumbed down education so severe the public doesn’t even recognize what’s happening. Everyone is too distracted on their phones to revolt.

      The 1% have made a short term deal with white supremacists to attempt to return to the days of slavery. But they too will be consumed shortly after. America First lol. Everything and anything about us has been commodified for wealth extraction. First they’re coming for your inheritance and family home, then they’ll take the Social Security Reserve fund. The 1% use out of work lawyers and AI to control the narrative and nudge everyone where they want on social media. This has been a long time in the works but number go up brrr.

      We willingly buy and carry spy devices constantly everyday, everywhere we go. They have amassed so much data on us it’s incredible. The amount of technology being used to spy on us is unfathomable to your average citizen. Snowden tried to tell us. The 1% know if they didn’t do something unions and mobs would come for them eventually.

      The 1% were scammed by the oil barons into a false sense of security over oil and its effects. A near extinction event. The climate refugee crisis will be like nothing you can imagine. Water and food shortages for everyone, except the rich of course. Thing is, without the masses who is left?

      I’ll elaborate further later