
Carved ivory figure of young man- Particularly striking is a sculpture which may represent the first example of portraiture (i.e., representation of a specific person). The majority of anthropomorphic figures on this site bear no distinct facial features, but this figure, carved in mammoth ivory, is roughly three inches high. The subject appears to be a young man with heavy bone structure, thick, long hair reaching past his shoulders, and possibly traces of a beard. Originally found in 1891, there was concern that the finding might be a hoax. Particle spectrometry analysis conducted at the University of Kansas Space Technology Center placed the date of the carved surface of the ivory at around 26,000 BP.

  • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
    30 days ago

    the more paleolithic artifcats I see, the more amazed I get at how talanted people were back then. They weren’t some primitive cave people, they were just like us