Since we passed the Protect Children Forever Act in 2026 you might have thought that children were once and for all safe from the unsupervised, anonymous, free-for-all disaster that was social media before we required all users to have an Internet License. But now a new threat is rising, known as the dark social web.

One part of dark social is known as the Fediverse. Content there is regulated only by self-appointed and unaccountable “instance admins” who often live in foreign countries that aren’t part of the Data Pact, putting them beyond the reach of the Data Safety Commission. Anyone can sign up and participate without being asked for ID, regardless of their Internet Behaviour Score. Sex criminals, childless athiests, and traders in illicit ad-blocker software can be found in abundance there.

If you suspect that your child might be using the Fediverse, remain calm and gather context. They haven’t necessarily done anything illegal yet. Try to understand their reasons for accessing the platform. Have an open and honest conversation about the risks involved, and try to help them think critically about the matter. If they persist in using it, or if they lie to you about it, call the Ministry of Data Child Safety Hotline for assistance and advice.