In an impassioned and at times furious speech, departing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley defiantly proclaimed that the US military does not swear an oath to a “wannabe dictator.”

It was a bitter and pointed swipe that appeared unmistakably targeted at former President Donald Trump, who has in recent days accused Milley of “treason” and suggested that he should be put to death for his conduct surrounding Trump’s bid in 2021 to remain in office despite losing the presidential election.

“We are unique among the world’s militaries,” Milley said. “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.”

    1 year ago

    THAT is how stupid America is.

    Democracy as usual. The real problem is that they either vote for personalities or for policies, while it should be both - a wrong personality plainly won’t deliver, a wrong policy is wrong no matter the personality.

    People who were voting for him after Obama’s time voted against weakness, hypocrisy, establishment, general perceived progress slowing down (in the 90-s and early 00-s there were many cool things on TV, in computer industry, in space, in art etc, while during Obama’s years it was all the same, boring and corporate, and the Web among other things was enshittened in that time period).

    Now the second time I guess it’s as good as protest voting, and some are really just stupid.