They aren’t she’s “hunched” over. Once she does a biiiiig stretch will you see the true magnificent length of the feline. My cat knows how to turn off the light - he has a printer he jumps on and then needs to stretch standing on his rear paws to reach it. Never though he was that tall lol
I had a cat that learned to open the front door to the house. Just casually stretched all the way to the handle and pulled it down
better murdering
Well it’s a Kitler after all
She’s not like that 😭
definitely not a hitler stash.
More Like Charlie Chaplin Stash, amirite?
Right! This guy gets it!
You should get her a bowler hat , maybe a cane.
Possibly teach her to wiggle her stash?
She would be so cute! Maybe I’ll try to figure out how to crochet them. I’m not sure she’s got the processing power to learn nose wiggles, tho
Maybe if you binge all the Charlie Chaplin films, she might pick it up on her own?
Pretty sure that right paw is about to do a salute
She’s never done a single successful murder
Because cats are very stretchy.
Very fair
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Hey at least she’s pressed into the cushion wall by the eternal acceleration of the house
She made her choice
Bitty maintains grabbing superiority over her foes (yarn balls)
This is v true. She can reach her lil hand so far into the yarn bowl
She can keep enough distance from the edge of a table to both simultaneously knock things off and maintain plausible deniability.
Nah. She typically follows the stuff right over the edge 😂