Guaranteed the word “woke” will be thrown around left and right

    3 months ago

    You can find a games journist saying practically anything. Who cares? Don’t give the ones you don’t like views.

    I just explained why I believe we shouldn’t let pressure from one direction be unopposed. So no, I will not ignore them. And yes, it absolutely is pressure, when bad reviews from several large sites try to lower sales and deprive devs of money they earned.

    So do you care about people putting pressure on game devs or not? You can’t have it both ways where we should just ignore one group but the other one is an issue.

    That’s totally unrelated to being ugly. Can people with normal shaped bodies not be attractive to you? Do you only get off to hentai?

    What people get off to or what you find attractive is completely unrelated to whether it is what the devs wanted to make.

    Also, you bringing this up and throwing around words like hentai and incel really makes me doubt that you want no pressure on artists in general, rather than just being opposed specifically to more “over-sexualized characters” or “beautiful characters” or whatever you want to call it.

    I meant the people behind Stellar Blade were saying they weren’t censoring was pure marketing.

    I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say. What does that have to do with anything?

    No one was trying to censor them.

    So the last minute changes appeared themselves? Or the devs voluntarily made them, for some reason after already shipping some physical copies and after saying they would not make those changes? (whether for marketing or other reason) Consistently across multiple outfits? Together with other censorship-like changes, such as blood splatter reduction/removal? Unlikely.