None of our major holidays are at all related to Abrahamic religions. Easter is still named for the ancient fertility goddess whose festival it was before it was reskinned as Christian. Christmas takes the pan-european mid winter festival and paints a star on it. The pre-christian Romans held the festival of Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) on December 25th. Christmas trees were a pre-christian tradition in and around modern Germany
There would be massive social pressure to not change holidays
Summary: Latin languages, their local words for Passover; Germanic language, their local name for their fertility deity — Eastre in old English, Easter now
Eh, I’m fine with it. The death of Christianity will be a net good for humanity, so I’ll take whatever gets us closer to that.
All three Abrahamic religions need to die.
Have you seen the kinds of cultish grifts New Agers AND New Atheists alike have been on? Nature abhors a vaccuum.
Just saying I don’t want the Spirit Science guy calling the shots on major holidays
None of our major holidays are at all related to Abrahamic religions. Easter is still named for the ancient fertility goddess whose festival it was before it was reskinned as Christian. Christmas takes the pan-european mid winter festival and paints a star on it. The pre-christian Romans held the festival of Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) on December 25th. Christmas trees were a pre-christian tradition in and around modern Germany
There would be massive social pressure to not change holidays
Wasn’t the Easter = Ishtar connection debunked? The rest of that is pretty legit though
I’m talking the link between Easter and the Celtic goddess named Eastre
Edit to add the link more about the name:
Summary: Latin languages, their local words for Passover; Germanic language, their local name for their fertility deity — Eastre in old English, Easter now