I just signed up for a two month free trial to Crunchy Roll and am a little overwhelmed by my options. Haven’t watched much anime in my life (Dragon Ball, Akira, Death Note, One Punch) maybe a couple others.

First thing I watched was Chainsaw Man and really loved the vibe and main character of Denji. Then I watched like 5min of Attack On Titan and just thought “this show is going to be a drag isn’t it” and stopped watching lol.

If anyone can suggest any Anime that’s not to melodramatic or take itself to seriously. My favorite genre trends to be Dark/Black Comedies. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    • dragontamer@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I’m about 50/50 myself. Sometimes I’m in the mood for it, sometimes it feels forced and unnecessary.

      And I know some friends who absolutely will stop watching something if there is even one sex joke.

      So I try to collect different shows with different levels of sexual humor.

      DanDaDan is really popular right now, so participating with the overall anime community with an ongoing show is a worthwhile experience. So long as you’re into missing penises and Ghost curses eating alien dicks for power ya know?

      I joke a bit but… Not really. Lol. There’s nothing explicit in DanDaDan but the imagery and implications make it clear what they’re going for. The main characters are actually really wholesome. But the horror elements definitely go places.

      I 100% recommend DanDaDan btw. Probably the anime of the year, no joke. Just as long as your sexual humor tolerance is high enough to accept this stuff.