I just signed up for a two month free trial to Crunchy Roll and am a little overwhelmed by my options. Haven’t watched much anime in my life (Dragon Ball, Akira, Death Note, One Punch) maybe a couple others.

First thing I watched was Chainsaw Man and really loved the vibe and main character of Denji. Then I watched like 5min of Attack On Titan and just thought “this show is going to be a drag isn’t it” and stopped watching lol.

If anyone can suggest any Anime that’s not to melodramatic or take itself to seriously. My favorite genre trends to be Dark/Black Comedies. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

  • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    along with it’s sequel, “TRIGUN STAMPEDE”.

    That wasn’t a sequel, more like a reboot?

    I do agree on Trigun, but only the original run. I’m not all against reboots but TRIGUN STAMPEDE was a let down and the CGI graphics where awful and disturbing assfuck. But that’s just a personal taste I heard a lot of people liked it :)