Was hired as a temporary employee (not through an agency) for one year and was told by HR that maybe after 6 months they would consider bringing me on FT. Would it be better to express my interest with HR instead of my manager since they were the ones who originally mentioned it?
You’ve got your answer but I want to add: You manager, or their superior, is who informs HR that you are now FT. HR doesn’t move people around in any way except sometimes to terminate an employee, and even then they don’t initiate that call, management does.
This, but with an asterisk. HR may also be able to tell the manager that they’re not approved to take on another full-time employee, even if the manager insists. All are beholden to the almighty budget.
You’re right, that’s why I had backed up and put “or their superior”.
But I’d disagree with HR managing the budget and making calls like that. At least I’ve never worked anywhere where HR has that kinda juice, all management, and HR ain’t management.