At the moment the internet is flawed, do you think the fediverse is the solution?

      1 year ago

      Great insight. I agree that the fediverse will never be anywhere near as big as mainstream social media, but I’m hoping it will continue to grow and be recognized as a valid alternative.

      Personally I think of the fediverse as like diet social media. Just like how people switch from Coke to Diet Coke to avoid sugar, people can switch from Twitter to Mastodon to avoid recommendation algorithms and overly-stimulating content. At least that’s why I joined the fediverse. I know most people love algorithms and endless content (hence why Tik Tok is so huge) but for those of us who want something less stimulating, I’m glad that the fediverse exists as an alternative. As long as the fediverse is big enough to be enjoyable, but not so big that it becomes super addictive, that’s good enough for me.

      1 year ago

      yeah I definetly agree. specifically because of the lack of algorithms or profit motives it won’t be " addictive " nor as easy as traditional social media to find what I’m most likely to engage in. but it also means ragebait is less likely to be pushed to me, and for that, its actually quite fine…

      im quite sick of the “few big websites” that the internet has become. I miss when there were a greater variety of forums, blogs and places to hang out, only supported through people’s passions. and it seems to me federation goes back to those old times.

    1 year ago

    probably not; Popular Social Media is a massive force

    Best we can do is continue trucking along while popular social media goes through the Enshittening Cycle, and swoop in and be like “hey, have you heard of Lemmy?”

    like I think the growth will be over a long timespan than exponential, unless Social Media really shits the bed

  • lo puto
    1 year ago

    as popular social media is getting crap the fediverse will grow on users and content

    a replacement is a very long term action that involves not only the users so nowadays: no maybe in a far future

    1 year ago

    No. And that’s fine. I don’t expect underground music to replace top 40. And there’s a place for both.

    1 year ago

    No. Fediverse is great by design, but is too complicated at the moment (maybe it’s just how platforms are set up at the moment).

    The design is not too intuitive in looking at other posts from different instances/servers.

    For example going to this post:

    1 year ago

    Probably not replace, but certainly it could be a viable and thriving part of the picture. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having options.

  • @Bicyclejohn

    It depends on what you mean by “replace”.

    The Fediverse may cause centralized social-media networks to join the Fediverse.

    There are some hints of that happening now.

    Facebook / Meta has created a new social-media network that is part of the Fediverse.

    Tumblr and Flickr are said to be joining the Fediverse.

    So, some “popular social media” may become one with the Fediverse.

      1 year ago

      Something along these lines seems more realistic to me. There will always be a place for easy, safe walled garden experiences with a low barrier to entry. In the fediverse, that could be a very large, curated instance where a broad group could find what they want without having to figure out how to subscribe to federated communities. Similar to how so many people were introduced to the internet via Prodigy, Compuserve, AOL, etc.

    1 year ago

    IMHO these are fundamentally different concepts. Popular social media is made popular by pushing curated ‘engaging’ content, rather than organic content, to monetize gullible users. It has become an entertainment venue, giving their audience a steady stream of what they want them to see, even if by force. Popular “Social Media” has rapidly devolved into a real-life MST3K. Users feel betrayed that the sites no longer feel like the social experience/experiment they wanted… but are users really wanting to leave, or just switch to voice outrage?

    Alternatively, the fediverse doesn’t appeal to those wanting force fed entertainment, or seeking viral fame amongst family/friends, and outraged users will complain it doesn’t function like so-and-so site, or work ‘their way’. It is more technical and takes more proactive actions to engage with others, which is a positive thing.

    Users think they can switch from Coke to Pepsi, but the fediverse is more of a mixed drink with some extra bourbon.

    Could it / should it replace popular social media? Probably not, unless more mindsets change over what a social media experience should be… but it can fill a growing gap as this happens (which will in-turn improve features & development).

  • Jordan
    1 year ago

    Not in its current form. Anyone who’s tried to start a tech company knows you have to make your solution simple to use. Making software easy to use is actually surprisingly hard, involving experts in user interfaces, a lot of thought on user onboarding and training.

    Lemmy as it currently stands is relatively new-user hostile for non-technical users. Content discovery isn’t very clear, people are confused about how to find communities to follow, and the mobile apps are barebones.

    That’s not to say it can’t get there, but until you never need to mention that the system is federated, I think a lot of people will be turned off from the complexity of using Lemmy. The community right now is motivated to use Lemmy and I would imagine a little more on the technical side, but getting your parents to use Lemmy or Mastadon would be a challenge currently.

      1 year ago

      As a migrant from Digg to Reddit back in the paleolithic era, I would have said the same of Reddit, the UI really wasn’t good compared to Digg. People got used to it in time.

      I also remember a time when it wasn’t clear if people would want to shop online, and a debate about whether email could really replace letters, or if people would find it too complicated.

      People will come to the fediverse if we give them a reason to.

      1 year ago

      I think it’s fine. It’s a bit like Linux users. We are maybe one percent of total computer users but we are plenty to create a very good community. :)

  • Munrock ☭
    1 year ago

    I think the fediverse should replace popular socmedia, but it will never be able to compete financially.

    We’ve already got Bluesky, which is the same thing but controlled (and sponsored) by the usual suspects, poised to snap up any users that bail from twitter. And popular opinion favours Bluesky thanks to the positive coverage it gets compared to fediverse projects.

    The fediverse in the form it’s in now will never replace twitter while the free market controls the distribution of users. They’ll always go to the places controlled by big money.

      1 year ago

      I kind of agree… And also kind of disagree.

      I think people will be attracted to places like blue sky because they are more similar to what they are used to and more user friendly. When people were looking to leave Twitter, I remember Mastodon being talked about. When I first looked into it, it was super confusing. I’m literally a software developer, and I was having trouble figuring out what was even going on here.

      I understand that different platforms will have different features, and don’t expect lemmy to be exactly like reddit or mastodon to be exactly like Twitter. But to get casual users to come to either, they need to be easy to join, easy to use, and easy to understand. I think that starting off by explaining to users what the fediverse is is too confusing.

      Frankly, I think the biggest thing right now, by far, is that there needs to be a centralized, or pseudo-centralized, login system. That is the biggest hurdle for all new users, and explaining how to make an account basically requires explaining how the fediverse works-which for most people is just too much information at once. They’ll see that, think “this is too confusing,” and leave.

      Ease of use and adding more features will come with time, more users, and an influx of money from those users to support development. But we need to attract users first, and to do so we need to make the process of joining really clear, concise, and easy. And we need to remove the risk that if your instance gets deleted, so does your account.

    1 year ago

    I don’t want it to. I enjoyed reddit the most when it was mainly a techier and generally thoughtful crowd, large enough to always be interesting but not so big as to be a gluttonous mass of nonsense. The ever-so-slightly higher barrier to entry to the Fediverse compared to other platforms (which spooks mainstream users even though it’s really not that hard) gives me hope that the Fediverse will keep its character for a good while.

    1 year ago

    I think its going to split and fracture, at least for the forseeable future. Just like how people who want too be free from corporate influence moved permanently from twitter to mastodon, so to will users who want to be free from corporate influence be drawn here. Those who don’t care, or who buy into corporate propaganda will stay until and unless they can’t tolerate it anymore, and even then they may just move to a different corporate platform.

  • Sean Tilley@lemmy.mlM
    1 year ago

    The various people who work on the fediverse are all doing it for fundamentally different goals, solving different problems, and building different things for different people. It just so happens that, more often than not, a lot of our stuff works together now thanks to the hard efforts put forward by people who cared about interoperability.

    I personally believe that the fediverse will kill traditional social media platforms. Because if you can just communicate around a walled garden, what’s the point or value in staying in one?

    I think we still have a long way to go in terms of usability and design. Those things, along with marketing, remain pretty steep barriers to adoption by people who are unfamiliar with it. There are also a lot of capital-H Hard problems that need to be sorted out down the road, like better filtering and moderation tools, and more robust controls for privacy. I have a feeling we’ll get there, but only through hard work and collaboration.

    I guess a different way of understanding things is that, the fediverse might not kill the competition outright, but it has the potential to outlast them as something better. And hopefully someday, it’ll be as ubiquitous and ordinary as email.