Yeah, Teddy, I get it. You’re all tuckered out after a long day of dealing with Earths bullshit.
You’re a dog. You don’t pay taxes, or participate in elections, or have any concept of how inhumaine it is to ban abortions, or know how scary it is to see society around you become more and more a cult of zombies who voted by popular vote to elect a sexual predator and 34x convicted criminal to office.
You know none of that! So why are you so tuckered out??? Oh. Chasing the ball? Yeah. Yeah that’ll do it. Running is exausting. I had to do a light sprint to run to the bus stop to make the bus. I’m getting on the bus, panting and sucking air in. I am not in shape. And as I’m dying (not literally) from lack of air, and my chest is pounding, the driver says “You’re not even going to say thank you???”
Like lady! I just ran half a block. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I’m in my 40s, and overweight. Last time I ran I was probably wearing a power rangers shirt. I’m doing everything I can to not pass out in the doorway of the bus!
And here you are, just dead stop to running 30mph in a field doing zoomies for a ball. I don’t know how you do that. But I can see how you’d be exausted.
Pass that blanket. I’m tired too. Had to run to catch my bus today. Let’s just take a nap, and forget about life’s problems.
Yeah, Teddy, I get it. You’re all tuckered out after a long day of dealing with Earths bullshit.
You’re a dog. You don’t pay taxes, or participate in elections, or have any concept of how inhumaine it is to ban abortions, or know how scary it is to see society around you become more and more a cult of zombies who voted by popular vote to elect a sexual predator and 34x convicted criminal to office.
You know none of that! So why are you so tuckered out??? Oh. Chasing the ball? Yeah. Yeah that’ll do it. Running is exausting. I had to do a light sprint to run to the bus stop to make the bus. I’m getting on the bus, panting and sucking air in. I am not in shape. And as I’m dying (not literally) from lack of air, and my chest is pounding, the driver says “You’re not even going to say thank you???”
Like lady! I just ran half a block. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I’m in my 40s, and overweight. Last time I ran I was probably wearing a power rangers shirt. I’m doing everything I can to not pass out in the doorway of the bus!
And here you are, just dead stop to running 30mph in a field doing zoomies for a ball. I don’t know how you do that. But I can see how you’d be exausted.
Pass that blanket. I’m tired too. Had to run to catch my bus today. Let’s just take a nap, and forget about life’s problems.