Mine is Keralis, without doubt. I started watching it in Cities Skylines 1 when I still hadn’t a pc to play it and I loved watching the detailing and city building. I really like Infrastructurist and Biffa as well. What is yours?
City Planner Plays was how I got into CS youtube, but nowadays I mainly watch TwoDollarsTwenty (incredibly detailed and thought out builds with great scale).
I watch City Planner Plays when new content drops and he reviews it/showcases some tips on how to use the new assets.
Apart from that, I have watched CS content from German youtubers over the years… like Debitor or Pietsmiet
Probably RealCivilEngineer. He just my kind of mix of adult professionalism and the dick jokes of an 8 year old. Perfection.
I didn’t know Keralis played Skylines.
I don’t watch cs anymore but when I did I quite liked City planner plays
Mine has always been Strictoaster but sadly, he is no longer active. Hope he’s okay. His builds and his video editing alike were just in a league of their own.
I do enjoy City Planner Pays, such a lovely voice. But Biffa was my first, and therefore will always be my favourite. Though I haven’t watched much since CS2 came out as that release was so not what I was looking for in a new Cities game.