I want to make my own website, like a blog where I talk about tech and tutorials and such. Something like https://kerkour.com and https://lukesmith.xyz. Any ideas for simple but modern design?
I want to make my own website, like a blog where I talk about tech and tutorials and such. Something like https://kerkour.com and https://lukesmith.xyz. Any ideas for simple but modern design?
Wordpress is hot garbage. Full stop.
Says the guy who never used it.
I wish this were the case. I have to manage multiple Wordpress sites and its backend is a sticky mess of outdated PHP conventions and plugins with very little standardization and even less thorough verification. If you’ve ever had to migrate sites or move new content from one site to another, if you’ve ever had to shift domains or deal with multi-site configurations, you will realize that Wordpress makes things easy for the end-user but there’s a reason there are so many managed Wordpress offerings out there.