Regarding the lack of romance mechanics, it just seems like they dont know how do romance then? Why would a character have to suddenly become a “yes man” once romanced? In any case, does the game really need such mechanics to begin with?
I havent played it but from what I’ve seen, it looks like an action RPG - action first with some rpg mechanics. This is a safe genre to invest in, especially to offer on a subscription service because it is casual friendly. The drawback being it polarizes the more hardcore crowd and leaves them wanting more.
Regarding the lack of romance mechanics, it just seems like they dont know how do romance then? Why would a character have to suddenly become a “yes man” once romanced? In any case, does the game really need such mechanics to begin with?
I havent played it but from what I’ve seen, it looks like an action RPG - action first with some rpg mechanics. This is a safe genre to invest in, especially to offer on a subscription service because it is casual friendly. The drawback being it polarizes the more hardcore crowd and leaves them wanting more.