Dude I don’t understand why the ones in New York such assholes. Like is it too much to be treated like a normal human being. I’ve also caught hints of prejudice toward how they treated me and treated others with a foreign accent. It’s disgusting
The response i got, complete with tomato red face when i politely asked if it were possible for me to remain with my would-be wife in the airport lickup because we travelled through the US to Mexico, just passing by, and she (Mexican) didn’t have a visa.
Gets assault rifle aimed at head by some military idiot when airport metal detector beeps because I forgot my belt
Yup. This was April 2002, but IDGAF, you insane fuckers
Get a case with multiple hard drives lifted up and purposely slammed into the desk when I mention the border officer if he van be careful because that’s really fragile
Fuuuucckk new yooooork
I never visited New York, and will never want to, fuck that place.
Dude I don’t understand why the ones in New York such assholes. Like is it too much to be treated like a normal human being. I’ve also caught hints of prejudice toward how they treated me and treated others with a foreign accent. It’s disgusting
The response i got, complete with tomato red face when i politely asked if it were possible for me to remain with my would-be wife in the airport lickup because we travelled through the US to Mexico, just passing by, and she (Mexican) didn’t have a visa.
Yup. This was April 2002, but IDGAF, you insane fuckers
Fuuuucckk new yooooork
I never visited New York, and will never want to, fuck that place.
Two words…police state