There are some democrats trying to shut down a range near me…mostly because it is a police training range near a residential neighborhood and apparently some people don’t like listening to cops mag-dumping AR-15’s at 10 o’clock at night, even if it is “essential training” for “low visibility conditions”, according to a public statement by the county sheriffs office.
If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans that shit would have been shut down, declared a superfund site so some construction company could rake in six figures to clean up all the lead contamination, and turned into a park years ago.
Gays screen for this, too.
“I like to go out to the range now and they, stay in practice and have fun”
“oh cool! I need to go more often”
“but those damn democrats are trying to close them all down”
“check, please”
There are some democrats trying to shut down a range near me…mostly because it is a police training range near a residential neighborhood and apparently some people don’t like listening to cops mag-dumping AR-15’s at 10 o’clock at night, even if it is “essential training” for “low visibility conditions”, according to a public statement by the county sheriffs office.
If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans that shit would have been shut down, declared a superfund site so some construction company could rake in six figures to clean up all the lead contamination, and turned into a park years ago.
“ If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans…”
Exactly why it was not built in a neighborhood like that.
Police ranges should be indoors if they’re going to do shit like that, not outdoors near a neighborhood.
Arm the workers.
memberarm the cops.Absolutely! Leftist gun owners do exist, there are literally dozens of us!
Marx does manage to be right at times ;)