Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’

    11 months ago

    I’ve seen a lot of reporting on antisemitism increasing. And I’m sure it is. But shit like this and the fact that I’ve seen ADL referenced twice now makes me really question how severe it is.

      11 months ago

      I would try to be cautious about that line of thinking. Some incidents that have nothing to do with criticism of the Israeli government: the threats this week at cornell, high profile people like kanye getting away with and normalizing overt hate (not criticizing israel, saying literal weird antisemitic stuff), the qanon stuff, the Pittsburgh shooting, the hate incidents in Florida, the neonazi and fascist militias increasing in many parts of the u.s., etc. These are people making threats, specifically against Jewish people, and saying that Jewish people existing is a problem. These are not people criticizing Israeli government policy. I think the ADL and other entities have been criticized for sometimes not making a clear distinction, but incidents completely unrelated to criticism of Israel’s gov have definitely been rising in a lot of places and it’s unfortunate that bad faith geopolitical rhetoric is obscuring that.

        11 months ago

        ABSOLUTELY! I do want to clarify that when I say that I question how severe it is, I don’t mean to minimalize it.

        ADL has pretty consistently exaggerated numbers. So when I see 4000% increase, I don’t believe it. They absolutely include Israeli government criticisms.

        But I do expect that there’s extreme increases, in the same way there has been increases in Islamophobia. Probably more. The incidents are real and cannot be ignored.

        I just do not trust what the news is putting out when it relies on subjective information or an outside source. This has honestly been the sloppiest news I’ve witnessed in my life.

          11 months ago

          Oh ok, sorry for misinterpreting! I also feel the same way. It seems that while multiple incredibly serious things are ongoing, every possible source of information on any of it is kind of… full of gaps at best, deliberately propagandizing or misleading at worst. It’s maddening. Feels almost impossible to get a full and clear picture of anything which is, of course, the point for at least some of the governments and news orgs involved. It sucks.