Well, they’re right for the wrong reasons. The mainstream party is trying to hard to follow the republicans right while still paying lip service to the left. They need to rethink that, because even if they ran on the Trump 2016 platform, they’d be labelled as radical woke communists. How about we get some real leftism instead, give fox news something to really be scared of?
How about we get some real leftism instead
Won’t happen. Democrats are too lazy and too used to the status quo to make any radical changes. No matter how much Lemmy cries about it, the Democratic party does NOT represent what most of Lemmy does.
Not even a 2nd loss to Trump is enough for them to change their ways. Third party is needed.
Which is gonna be tough for Lemmy to accept because before the election, Lemmy liked to call everyone who advocated for a strong Third Party, “traitors” and “russian assets.”
It’s a Good Thing he said this on FOX! Otherwise his Target audience of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL PARTY wouldn’t have Seen it!
You’re kidding yourself if you think Democrat leadership doesn’t watch Fox News. lol
If they need to start thinking now they’re about a decade to late.
Lemmy is just as late and just as reluctant to make real change happen as well. Before the election, anyone who didn’t worship Biden/Harris admin were “traitors” and “russian assets.” When the reality is that Democratic Party was doomed to lose from the start because of poor leadership.
Funny how it’s ok to say now, but was a bannable offense several months ago. lol
I think it was desperation trying to avert Trump’s election. Not saying you’re wrong of course.
I think it was desperation trying to avert Trump’s election.
Then they should have admitted it instead of pretending that Biden was awesome, and that his replacement was awesome. Neither of them were.