The reason I bring these words up is every one of them was originally a medical diagnosis, that eventually became offensive so they changed it to retarded, which has now itself become offensive, which then became special ed/sped, or special needs, which are now going the way of retard and becoming offensive.
The line of which of those words is a slur is entirely arbitrary.
The reason I bring these words up is every one of them was originally a medical diagnosis, that eventually became offensive so they changed it to retarded, which has now itself become offensive, which then became special ed/sped, or special needs, which are now going the way of retard and becoming offensive.
The line of which of those words is a slur is entirely arbitrary.
Euphemism treadmill go brrr
Yup but imho it doesn’t stop there.
Once the word stops being used as a medical diagnosis it will slowly stop being associated with learning / mental disabilities.
Nowadays not a lot of people associate saying someone is an idiot with any social minority so it kinda is just a disparaging qualifier.
Retard just happens to currently be in that sour spot.