• Well those that have enough wealth and influence wouldn’t necessarily be entirely in that position. We don’t know if you have seen or read The Handmaid’s Tale but those in charge even women benefit by telling others, women and men what to do, so they still have some power and influence.

    However, others are correct, they are still misogynists and ‘traditionalists’ (read: fascists) and likely do not care, plus it means not having to work for money. They could choose the path of dismantling the systems which enforce work instead but they are so stuck up their own arses that they refuse to choose that option, because it is too much work and does not fit with their values of being better than others and stomping down on those they hate. Plus people tend to be notoriously bad at thinking and acting long term, especially those with the most power and influence.Though if they do it is in ways that will only benefit them and maybe their friends, not the rest of us.