With the backlog of movies, TV shows, books, video games, and so on you have downloaded how long do you think you could stay entertained without internet access?
Let’s say if there was another quarantine and you were stuck at home.
This is mostly targeted at people who consider themselves data hoarders.
For video games alone, a lifetime. I have essentially complete ROM sets for everything through sixth generation consoles, and a wide variety of newer stuff (a full Wii set minus the obvious shovelware, a selection of the better PS3/Xbox 360 exclusives).
For movies, not quite as much. I’m mainly an emulation hoarder (who had to buy a bigger NAS because my ROMs were crowding out my family’s music and video files), but we have 10-15TB of movies, TV and music laying around.
Is your collection pretty high res? I’ve got a decent collection but try to keep to 480p so I can have more shows and games on standby