When I had some teeth out they injected something into my gums to numb it and it was fucking horrible. Next time I went they got the syringe out and I just told them I’d rather feel the pain than go through that again.
Novocaine. But if you’re having surgery you definitely want it. It’s not exactly pleasant having someone stab you in the gum with a with a needle but it’s even less pleasant to have someone pull one of your teeth out with a pair of pliers.
When I had some teeth out they injected something into my gums to numb it and it was fucking horrible. Next time I went they got the syringe out and I just told them I’d rather feel the pain than go through that again.
Novocaine. But if you’re having surgery you definitely want it. It’s not exactly pleasant having someone stab you in the gum with a with a needle but it’s even less pleasant to have someone pull one of your teeth out with a pair of pliers.
I think I was having a tooth drilled for a filling. It hurt but it was definitely bearable.
I preferred going through the pain compared to a needle in the gum and an hour of numb-faced dribbling.
Of course it’s preferable sometimes, but I really hate it.