Kind of tired watching trash from YT.

Edit: Thanks for all the replies. It’s good to see that there are still gems in YouTube.

    1 year ago

    I’ve really enjoyed Strange Parts (Also Stranger Parts for longer format) over the years. He’s been through a lot and the videos show some of that. But I think he’s doing alright again now and has interesting things frequently.

    I also really enjoy Simone Giertz, she’s an excellent follow, also has gone through a lot (brain tumor for one) over the years but is still enjoyable.

    Adam Savage Tested - It’s Adam Savage from mythbusters etc, but doing his own thing and being a geek about it. I really enjoy his personal content. I greatly dislike Mythbusters and most forms of TV media.

    ProjectFarm - Independent testing of all kinds of things. If you need to know how tools compare to each other without worrying about sponsor money, Todd is excellent. His methods aren’t perfect, but they are good enough for what he is trying to do and for understanding somewhat practically how the various things compare.

    If you are ok with a little more spasticity, Colin Furze is always up to a cheeky bit of fun.

    Zach Freedman - Prototyping and 3d printing but make it fun and full of puns and sarcasm and a dash of nonsense

    Mr Carlson’s Lab - If you like electronics and very long format, chat while working style content. This is a great one.

    DownieLive - Has good travel videos, especially liked his Alaska series, the canal series was neat and he has multiple unique train ones that are interesting.

    I’ve started to check out Alice Cappelle after watching a good video on the counter points to the 15-minute city.


    Lauren Babic - Metal singer, does lots of covers, has her own stuff too, but I enjoy her stuff a lot. She’s my favorite singer along with Courtney LaPlante.

    Ichika Nito - Lots of really chill, intricate, technical guitar, I wish he’d do more long format stuff but he’s fun to listen to. Similar playing to Covet and Polyphia but generally solo and easier going.