• Coreidan@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Ya I get it, the article is just about someone who is complaining that they can’t meet a decent guy.

    I guess I just don’t understand the point tho, because I can just write an article too complaining about all the shitty women out there, and then write a title that indicates that the whole reason marriages are dwindling is because of women.

    If you can’t meet a decent guy then chances are you are doing something wrong. That makes you the problem too. Maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd. Maybe you have poor judgement. Could be a lot of reasons, but pinning everything on “men suck” comes off as super disingenuous.

    I am not taking it personally, but just pointing out the fact that it take two to tango, and if it’s not working out for you then MAYBE you need to spend a little extra time on yourself instead of jumping to the blame game. We all have a lot of trouble with self reflection.

    I think this person gets a lot of negative reaction from their personality and they blame others for their failures. That’s how I read the article.