• woowwwlmao@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    once again. keep crying. jets are dumb ass shit we don’t need the f35s we would still have stu superiority. russias military is a joke compared to the current us arsenal what the fuck are you even talking about. f35 is dumb it’s a dumb ass project. also LM contract with the govt… and gets tax payer dollars so wtf are you even on about?

    and again I would still say it’s a dumb ass project when we could be reinvesting that money directly back Into our country and building better roads and railways.

    and if you’d have bothered to read nothing you pointed out in that Wikipedia copy paste is new info to the conversation I don’t care other countries are invested I to it. and also that’s only pure buying costs not maintanance and also retiring current jet fighters.

    maybe you should read. gov articles I linked earlier.

    I’ll end it again with fuck the f35 project there’s far far bettter things to spend that money on.

    also your point about stopping putin is so silly. that’s a completely different budget. you do realize that ONTOP of this dumbass f35 project we still send money to ukraine?

    and also wtf is your point putin is still invading. even with the f35 program? like what is it stopping. why do you guys think just adding more firepower will somehow magically stop conflict it’s wild. it’s a fallacy.

    the jet is dumb we can roll it out it won’t change the amount of war because war is called by instabillity and there are other ways to fix that. we already have nukes as the ultimate deterannt a fucking jets not gonna have more sway than a nuke when it comes to hmmm which country am I invading. we’re good like a jet isn’t the end all be all to that. it’s whether or not you’re in nato.

    dude we already have nuclear submarines and fucking air craft carriers like gtfo here with your MIC propaganda like we’re some defenseless maiden strolling through the woods without yet more BILLIONS going into this shit when people here are starving and burdened with medical debt and literally going homeless bro.

    you need to fucking wake up