• NocturnalMorning@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    What does mental illness have to do with supporting donald trump? Very little if you ask me. The two things are not mutually exclusive, not even a little bit.

    • AkaBobHoward@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I think Lennybird may have worded that in an unfortunate way, but there is a point, the MAGAt crap is designed to exploit mental illness and nurodivergence. The thought process it takes to believe the junk that comes from them is truly magical, and that level of mental gymnastics requires an amount of breakdown of skill or deep religious belief, and while that is not All mental illness I can see where someone on the outside could look into that camp and see only mentally ill people and just put together a very very bad and frankly hurtful phrase.

      • Ook the Librarian@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        It’s worded worse than “in an unfortunate way”. The phrase used was “all the mental illness”. If Lennybird wants to be less prejudice, they can rephrase it themself.

        • lennybird@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          I’m pretty sure most people, as the user who responded to you could see, could understand the intent behind the words. Admittedly it was hyperbole and mental illness in itself shouldn’t be mocked; however it’s not necessarily a good sign that an ideology has a woeful concentration thereof. After all, it is an illness that can impact normalized behavior, which if that is the foundation that fuels a particular ideology… We should be concerned.

          Key to note I didn’t say neurodivergent. And if you have a mental illness and aren’t under the trump banner then that perhaps speaks more to the severity of those who are.

          • Ook the Librarian@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            I’m happy you edited you comment. I think you can just leave mental illness out. Why bring it up without anyway to address it? When we talk about guns, mental health (with no policy action mentioned) gets brought up, and it’s worthless. It’s worse than worthless. It’s a distraction.

            I’m particularly glad you lost the phrase “all mental illness and bigots”. It had a clear “homosexuals and pedophiles” ring to it when it falls on my ears. Thank you.

            • lennybird@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Despite editing my comment to reflect fair points, I do believe mental illness absolutely needs to be discussed more. There is clearly a crisis going on and there’s an intersect of (but not limited to):

              • Exposure (Lead, brain injuries from football, etc.)
              • Drug Abuse (pharmaceutical or street that alters state of mind)
              • Genetic conditions

              … And these people are being taken advantage of for an ulterior motive they do not understand. Whether I say all or not, the fact remains that there is a deeper issue of mental illness that resides within the Republican ranks. And why is this important to raise? It helps explain why it’s so impossible to reach these people by logic or compassion. Anyone who’s seen it first-hand in a hospital understands exactly what I’m saying here.

              Even in the firearm debate, mental illness is a necessary talking-point that should help fuel change: Increased access to healthcare (Single-payer, therapy, etc.), and an explanation as to how people who perceive themselves to be the “good guys with the guns” can very radically shift to being anything but.

              That being said, I am going to come down hard on any Trump supporter. There is no excuse; no justification to continue supporting Trump or even the broader Republican party at this point without singling one’s self out as being a combination of deeply bigoted, ignorant, or selfish.

              • Ook the Librarian@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Ok, I’m trying to give you benefit of the doubt here, but you’re really digging in your heels here.

                I do believe mental illness absolutely needs to be discussed more

                Then you should* have done that. Your comment “well I’m glad we can see all the mental illness and bigots together” (paraphased since I can’t access the original) is simply bigoted. It is not a discussion of mental illness or mental illness policy. It’s worthless and hurtful. After posting such trash, trying to have a thoughtful conversation after being called out is disingenuous.

                Edit: I missed a word, but while I’m here, I’ll add:

                That being said, I am going to come down hard on any Trump supporter. There is no excuse

                ^This is exactly why there is push back. Paired with the original comment, this sounds like “I’m going to come down hard on any Trump supporter, the bigots, all mental illness havers, there is no excuse.” It sounds just like the hate preachers deliberately tacking “and homosexuals” to any phrase that includes pedophiles.

                I’m hearing a lot of words from you, but besides the fact you changed your wording, you seem to show little remorse for your actions. I don’t understand. I don’t think you’re a troll. So either defend the phrase “all mental illness and bigots” or apologize for it. I don’t want to discuss mental health with you.

                • lennybird@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  It’s simply a frustration of hitting one’s head against the wall with a group that is causing widespread damage to society and who heeds no appeal to reason or morality. Call it for lack of better words. I’ve edited my comment and adjusted my words to better reflect my position and be more respectful to lumping all with mental illness in with such a group, but with that I absolutely will dig my heels in here until better reason is presented. Frankly, I think you are the one who is making uncalled accusations and outlandish claims now.

                  Edit: To your edit:

                  There is nothing explicitly wrong with being homoexual. And while there is something explicitly wrong with being a pedophile, the flaw in that is that there is an accusation of being a pedophile that is the problem – we don’t have that issue here since this entire discussion is about Trump supporters proudly announcing their identity and immorality. That is the difference.

                  • Ook the Librarian@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    with a group that is causing widespread damage to society

                    What group is that? All mental illness havers? You must take back your words before I take you seriously. I edited my previous comment while you were replying to it.

                    Frankly, I think you are the one who is making uncalled accusations and outlandish claims now.

                    I don’t know what claim I am making besides you said that you are happy that you can now easily identify “all mental illness and bigots”. If that claim is outlandish, please say so. Did you not say that? Is there an apology I missed?

      • Андрей Быдло@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        MAGAt crap is designed to exploit mental illness and nurodivergence

        I don’t know their point better than they do, guess they were just a little uninformed (or drunk like I happen to be, when making a snarky remarks not really knowing stuff).

        I do find they don’t exactly exploit mental illnesses, disorders, but their marketing campaign, akin to gambling ads, is made to leech on the liabilities we all have, some worse than others. I mean e.g. I don’t think many persons on the spectrum are pro-trump that such wording implies.

        But firing lying rants one after another to overwhelm and overwrite old info (adhd), playing into magical thinking and random connections (schizophenia), into baseless mix of pride and self-loathe, power and fear (narcissism), they kinda use these traits which are actually common in us. They just get classified as a disorder when it’s so strong you can’t handle it (in doc’s opinion). There’s no clean cut between being well and ill, really, even if it’s a cold brain chemistry alone. Yet, I would like to put really struggling people into another box.

        And these tactics were used before we even started to discover these problems and treat them. Even now, I guess, most people who were there for Jan 6 can’t be classified as mentally unwell. Most nazi maneaters were completely rational opportunist and acted along their social norms, making it kind of healthier than not being a nazi, as it’s judged by the commoner’s thoughts.

        They are mostly completely healthy people. And I think OP’s just didn’t care much saying that. That’s kinda usual too, but tone-deaf, since I guess Lemmy have more diagnozed or just aware people than the general population - for being in that niche means they have more resources and time to educate themselves about such topics. Maybe it was worth the upvotes tho.

    • ares35@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      the venn diagram of those with a mental illness and people who support trump is just a circle containing a smaller circle.

      • grue@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        That sort of argument only works if you define being fascist as a form of mental illness. But that’s not true: being evil is not the same thing as being mentally ill. Specifically, evil people are culpable and deserve punishment in a way that mentally ill people are not and do not.

        Fascists deserve to be ostracized, imprisoned, or executed (depending on how heinously they behave), not treated for mental illness.

        • lennybird@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          That depends entirely on how you define evil: Are you using biblical evil? That is unscientific. Are you using “Evil” in the sense of psychopathy, scoiopathy, and a range of mental disorders that makes them deviant to mainline society? Then I believe most cases of evil can be summed up as such: a predisposition to doing something perceived by most as wrong in lieu of a mixture of nature & nurture and its impact on the physiological and mental state of the brain.

          We’ve seen evil acts committed by shooters who after autopsy have large brain tumors impacting their state of mind. We’ve seen evil acts commited by people under the influence of strong drugs. We’ve seen evil committed by people who themselves were abused as children (survivorship bias fallacy aside).

          After all, we can identify parts of the brain that deal with behavioral inhibitions; we can identify other areas of the brain associated with empathy.

          I do believe that if we looked at evil as a predominantly mental disorder we’d probably be able to identify and address “evil” before it becomes enabled and acts.

          People aren’t born fascist. There is no such thing as biblical evil. There exists simply broken minds.