The unsealed documents in the Epstein case have been released.

  • VikingHippie
    6 months ago

    You’ve literally just said that any name appearing in the document almost certainly did the wrong thing

    No, I was talking about the powerful men mentioned in the headline. Why would you think I’d widen it beyond that without saying so?

    Just acknowledge that there is necessary nuance here - some people named in that document have done nothing wrong.

    Of course. Just so happens that some if not all of the powerful men being alluded to in the headline have abused children and the rest have done a lot of awful things to attain their wealth and power.

    Obviously, for anyone that underwent business or other dealings with Epstein, while knowing what he was: burn them

    That’s what I’m saying!

    But the guillotine should never be indiscriminate.
