The call, an apparent imitation or digital manipulation of the president’s voice, says, “Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans in their quest to elect Donald Trump again.”

A prominent New Hampshire Democrat plans to file a complaint with the state attorney general over an apparent robocall that appears to encourage supporters of President Joe Biden not to vote in Tuesday’s presidential primary.

The voice in the message is familiar — even presidential — as it’s an apparent imitation or digital manipulation of Biden’s voice.

“What a bunch of malarkey,” the voice message begins, echoing a favorite term Biden has uttered before.

    9 months ago

    No, it’s definitionally half-baked.

    By whose definition?

    But being a “moderate” means you aren’t committed to your principles. It is half-baked. It means abandoning that debate and instead taking a middle road. It means you only follow your principles sometimes. And people who only sometimes follow their principles are not respectable.

    In other words, you have no idea what the politics of moderates or centrists actually are. It’s okay to acknowledge your ignorance; one can only gain knowledge by being honest about that which one doesn’t know.

    So either you’re just plain wrong about what the parties are, or you have some secret terrible belief that is incompatible with the party of compromise. There is not one defensible belief a person can have which would get them ostracized from the dem caucus – the only beliefs that would get you case out from that tent are ones of overt bigotry or total idiocy.

    Or, in this case, being a centrist.

    Centrism is the opposite of your views, which are that a belief that isn’t religiously devoted to one side or the other must be “half-baked”. Ironically, this type of extremism is something you have in common with the MAGA folks.

    I’ll leave you to your political extremism. I want no part of it.

      9 months ago

      You literally know not one of my positions yet are comfortable calling me an extremist. You can go ahead and stop pretending to be on the moral high-ground because you clearly aren’t.

      I’m here telling you your positions are welcome and can be included among the dems. They already are the “reasonable party” you so desire. You remain totally mum on what the politics you hold are that lead to your ostracism – I’ll go ahead and assume it’s something pretty fucking hateful based on that. Because the alternative is that you care so deeply about the label you picked for yourself that you don’t care at all about what that label means to literally eveyone else. It’s a stupid, stubborn, and arrogant stance that the Republican party doesn’t know what they stand for as well as you, some guy.

      The Republicans are the no-compromise party. Your “centrism” is unwelcome with them. Come into the light and maybe you can help make the world better. If not, understand that people like me will believe you when you tell them who you are.

        9 months ago

        You, as a Democrat, have made it perfectly clear that none of my beliefs are welcome in your party. However, for now, the Republicans welcome some of my beliefs. But when Trump is nominated, I will reconsider.

        Good day to you.