let’s gooo

    • Kentifer@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      The issuing of preliminary orders means that they have deemed the risk of genocide in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli government to be plausible. The judges voted overwhelming in agreement with that ruling. One judge voted for the provisional measures based solely on the question of intent and the quotes by Israeli leaders.

      *Edit: typo

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        That’s true, plausible. That’s taking the allegations as true, and resolving all reasonable doubt in the applicant’s favor, and the allegations in the complaints in my view, while stating a plausible case for genocide, are a bunch of bullshit, half truths, and exaggerations.

        Nobody disputes that 25,000 people have been horribly killed. The dispute is why. Israel is going to on in evidence that virtually everyone was warned multiple times to leave, and it’s going to put on evidence that for virtual every bombing there was a legit military target.

        Let’s see if Hamas complies with the order, and let’s the hostages go. What do you think they will do?

        • Kentifer@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Well, Hamas is not a state, nor is it a signatory to the genocide charter, so this ruling really doesn’t apply to them. However, you’re right, they’ll probably continue holding the hostages as negotiating chips. To be clear, I condemn Hamas and the Israeli government. However, the 25,000 people killed weren’t all Hamas. Israel doesn’t even claim they were mostly Hamas. And of course Israel will provide evidence in an attempt to defend themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered showing up.

          You might be interested to know that Israel’s national security ministry, Itamar Ben-Gvir, tweeted “Hague Schmague” after the ICJ ruling. Does that sound like the sentiment of someone who intends to comply?

          Please explain to me, without relying on evidence from Israel, the claims in South Africa’s complaints are bullshit. You have made a similar statement before but I don’t know what you think is bullshit, half-truths, or exaggerations. They use facts from independent sources or from Israel themselves when they can. They use quotes to show intent (it is rare to see this much evidence of intent). They showed video of soldiers echoing the genocidal rhetoric of the president and the prime minister. So which parts did they misrepresent?

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            They are already in compliance.

            Just read South Africa’s complaint. The most sensational claims are attributed to “reports” and fail to to include enough detail to fact to check the claims.

            It’s a house of cards built on exaggerations and half truths. It also includes none of Israel’s side of the story, which includes two undeniable truths: they are warning people before air strikes and they are striking legit targets.

            Literally three quarters of South Africa’s complaint is going to be simply ignored because Israel is going to be able to show a valid military target.

            • Kentifer@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              So you’re just accepting what Israel says at face value. I disagree that they can show a “valid military target”. They claim that they can show it, but that doesn’t mean we have to just accept their claim. Or do you buy the whole “most moral army” propaganda. CNN filmed caught Israeli’s shooting Palestinians walking under a white flag. Israel killed three of its own hostages who were walking shirtless, unarmed, with a makeshift white flag, and asking for help in Hebrew. Show the legitimate military targets that justify the destruction of their entire health system. There are no hospitals left in Gaza.

              You need to look at some noncorporate news sources. Ask yourself if you’re just repeating the words of Mark Regev or Eylon Levy, they people they pay to push propaganda. Do you honestly believe that Israel has done nothing wrong? Can do no wrong? They’re dropping 2,000 lb bombs. There is evidence of them using white phosphorus as a weapon. I’m sure you’ll just parrot their propaganda without offering any evidence to back it up.

              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                You’re stringing a bunch of unrelated things together into a web of conspiratorial nonsense and calling it evidence.

                The tunnels are well documented. They spread throughout virtually all of Gaza City and there are huge tunnel networks in Gaza’s other two cities as well.

                Are the tunnels just corporate media propaganda?

                They’ve done plenty of wrong, and Israel has also prosecuted and continues to prosecute its own people for incitement to genocide and for war crimes, as noted in the ICJ opinion.

                • Kentifer@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Whatever, sis. Keep peddling that Israeli propaganda. Maybe some day they’ll pay you for it.

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
                    8 months ago

                    My opinions are my own and are open to being proven wrong. I’m calling it as I see it.

                    Show me where Israel has bombed civilians with no warning; the date and location, then we can look up what warnings the IDF gave and their stated justification.

                    Neither you or I can go there and inspect to see if there really is tunnels under the buildings, or see if the people wearing civilian clothing are actually members of Hamas.

                    On one side you have a group who has never admitted the death of a Hamas soldier, who says every casualty is a civilian casualty and complains about indiscriminate targeting of civilians while at the same time actually indiscriminately targeting civilians. And on the other, the army of a democratic nation that is currently right now prosecuting dozens of its own citizens for exactly the things people are accusing it of doing nothing to prevent. One side is obviously lying.

                    You can hear the recordings of the warnings and see videos of them and press accounts for yourself, and you can have faith in the coalition of democratic nations who are supporting Israel over the coalition of authoritarian theocratic shitholes that are state sponsors of terrorism which supports Israel. For a full list see paragraph 12 of South Africa’s complaint.

                    You believe North Korea and Iran, but not Canada and Japan. That should raise alarm bells in your mind that maybe you got tricked. It’s okay. I’ve been tricked too. It happens. Denial doesn’t help you in any way, though.

    • Kentifer@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Also, I’ve gone through my replies and your comments. You may have responded to someone else, but not to me.