I own 2 copies of the game (1 via Steam and 1 via the standalone Launcher).

I installed the Steam version and until now, used the “-provider Portal” Steam Launch option to switch between them. With Lunar new Year approaching I decided that, typing 2 words to change Versions, is too much of a hassle and looked for an easier solution.

Turns out, it’s really simple: By adding the GW2.exe, from the Steam installation, as a “Non-Steam Game” you are able to create differnt Shortcuts, with differnt Launch options, for the same Game.

  • @lulztard
    14 months ago

    Heh, good tip. Why do you have two copies? And can you run both at the same time?

    • @JJHOP
      14 months ago

      Wanted to play GW2 on my Linux Laptop (Steam Proton is easier than setting up the original Launcher), also thought about buying a Steamdeck in the future. No, you cant lauch the 2 different Versions at the same time and based on a quick Google Search, most Multilaunch Tools (GW2Buddy, GW Multi-Launch, GW Launcher) dont seem to support Steam Login.

      • @KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        14 days ago

        Yeah, steam launching is a completely different beast. I doubt any of the launchers can handle it, since it requires a fresh-ish and valid token.

        The way the launchers typically work, is having you save your credentials within the GW2 launcher, then storing the encrypted launch data away and shuffling it around as needed. You just can’t do that with Steam login.