• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      Yeah I shouldn’t expect people that think Israel is committing genocide will be capable of reading anything.

      Unfortunately complex foreign policy issues can’t be communicated in meme form. Just vote for Dark Brandon, the guy in the memes with the laser eyes (But remember it will say “Joe Biden” on the ballot) and you can go back to mindlessly consuming memes.

      • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        You get another Israeli quote dump - this time the absolutely unhinged, openly genocidal rhetoric from Revital “Tally” Gotliv, an Israeli lawyer and member of the Knesset for the Likud.

        Jericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. before considering the introduction of forces. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinion. May God preserve all our strength

        I urge you to do everything and use Doomsday weapons fearlessly against our enemies.

        (Israel) must use everything in its arsenal.

        Only an explosion that shakes the Middle East will restore this country’s dignity, strength and security!

        It’s time to kiss doomsday. Shooting powerful missiles without limit. Not flattening a neighbourhood. Crushing and flattening Gaza. … without mercy! without mercy

        Considering the fact that the Israeli government is shouting this comically evil nonsense, annexing Palestinian territory with “settlers”, flattening Palestinian territories, killing well over a hundred journalists reporting on the genocide, blockading the supply of water, food, aid, building and medical supplies, trade, movement, the ability to return in open-air concentration camp conditions and an apartheid state - all while killing tens of thousands of people - mostly civilians.

        I’ll ask you yet again, Rudolph Jitler - What is your definition of genocide? I ask because it’s obvious you’re not using the dictionary or UN definitions, and are obviously deferring to feels.

        • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
          5 months ago

          MGT and Lauren Boebert (US members of congress) say crazy shit all the time.

          Some members of legislatures are weirdos. It happens sometimes in a democracy. I guess Hamas doesn’t have this kind of problem, huh?

          What is your definition of genocide?

          Deliberately targeting civilians of specific ethnic group. Israel is targeting Hamas combatants, who have embedded themselves in the Gaza civilian population like a tick. If Hamas would surrender and face justice for their crimes the fighting would be over and there would be no more civilian casualties.

          Civilian casualties in Gaza happen where Hamas is present. Civilian casualties on October 7 happened where the IDF wasn’t present. See the difference?

          It’s not all that complicated, really.

          Also breaking news: it seems that some of the perpetrators of October 7 were on the UN payroll. That’s crazy, right? It’s possible the UN may be complicit in genocide. Shit could get really crazy now.

          • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            TL:DR: Based on your nonsense, if the US decides to nuke Netanyahu because he’s a fucking lunatic, that wouldn’t be a genocide because unlimited civilian casualties are legitimate, and so long as you have the most implausible excuse that you’re not targeting a specific ethnic group, you’re in the clear.

            I’ve already shared genocidal quotes from the Israeli Prime Minister and senior defence officials who absolutely control whether or not they commit a genocide - this isn’t a sole lunatic senator with little meaningful power.

            Hamas say crazy shit, and have for years - which is why I’ve already asked you why Israel backed their rise to power over the secular moderates knowing that they were insane if not to create the pretext for the genocide you’re denying.

            Your definition of genocide is stupid enough that it includes any ethnically motivated hate crime or even marketing campaign. If I say “I’m going to slap a white person” then do it, that’s genocide by your definition. If I launch an advertising campaign looking to sell guns to Israeli settlers in the West Bank, even that’s genocide by your unfathomably moronic definition. Yet you insist that in spite of Israeli leadership shouting about exterminating Palestinians and Muslims, tens of thousands of civilians killed, including ten thousand children, countless warcrimes, the maintenance of an apartheid state, the maintenance of what the UN has called an open air concentration camp, and rendering the area uninhabitable, that’s not a genocide.

            You are both utterly monstrous and pitifully stupid.

            Also breaking news: it seems that some of the perpetrators of October 7 were on the UN payroll.

            Speaking of moronic bullshit - have you got a source for that more credible than The Daily Genocide Afficionado? I’ll remind you that Hamas were on the Israeli payroll, and I’m pretty sure I’ve already shared quotes substantiation this.