• JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    You and I have clearly different understandings of what’s “real”.

    What’s real is this paragraph in both of the CBS articles you linked:

    When the email became public in 2020, Gilliar told the Wall Street Journal that Joe Biden was not involved. And in one of the interviews FBI agents conducted during the investigation, another partner of Hunter Biden’s said the same. “I certainly never was thinking at any time that [then-Vice President Biden was] a part of anything we were doing,” businessman Rob Walker told agents, according to a transcript released by Congress.

    Gillar, of course, being the author of the email in question.

    The CBS article also says what you need to know right in the headline

    Copy of what’s believed to be Hunter Biden’s laptop data turned over by repair shop to FBI showed no tampering,

    The copy turned over to the FBI showed no tampering. Granted, even if the original drive was destroyed in the liquid damage (doubtful, since this blind hack from Delaware could extract data from it), the copy the FBI received showed no tampering.

    No wonder the FBI found nothing damning. They got the copy that wasn’t tampered.

    That same article says roughly what I quoted above from Gillan, plus demonstrates that there were multiple copies floating around that were tampered with.

    More than likely this was intentionally done to spread misinformation and get right wing media to rile up the base.

    I like this bit from one of the CBS articles, too:

    Two of Hunter’s former business partners, including Tony Bobulinski, who received the email, have told CBS News that “10 held by H for the big guy?” is shorthand for 10% held by Hunter for his father.

    two paragraphs later

    Bobulinski had a falling out with Hunter Biden, and has been a critic of the president and his son. His appearance and interview on Fox News came on the heels of the initial reports in the New York Post about the laptop.

    Fucking gold right there. I wish they would have talked about the other partner. But sure, this Bobulinski guy seems totally credible.

    (For those keeping score, both the author of the email (Gillan) and at least one other partner (Walker) say Joe wasn’t involved. Bobulinsky and some other guy do).

    I like your Judiciary link too. It’s poorly written and tough to follow, but it seems like Jim Jordan was getting a little butthurt that they wouldn’t disclose that the laptop was real. Note the carefully chosen words “the laptop is real”. Not the contents. Not the data, not the emails, “the laptop”.

    And why should they? It was a nothingburger from start to end. With how rabid trumps fan base is, bringing the laptop back into the news cycle, even if nothing is found, would, through the lens of right-wing media, only perpetuate the idea that the FBI is corrupt. It’s a real “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario. But the FBI already knew Trump was hostile towards them. They made the right choice.

    Aside from that, you should really take an open letter and a press release from Jim Jordan with a grain of salt. The dude has got a vacuum seal around Trumps dick. Especially in the time between this letter and the run up for Speaker.